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zzSharePoint Events

Caleb Williams [SSW] edited this page Aug 26, 2024 · 1 revision


Currently, while most of the data on the site is sourced TinaCMS, there are still some parts using data from SharePoint.

Here are the places where SharePoint data is currently used:

  1. Homepage - /

    image Figure: The homepage events list with labelled SharePoint fields

    This data is fetched when the user loads the page, so when data is updated in SharePoint, it will instantly be reflected.

  2. Events Index Page - /events image Figure: The events list with fields from SharePoint labelled

    This data is fetched when the user loads the page - but is cached. Data loaded here can last ~1 hour.

  3. .NET UG Pages - /netug/sydney, /netug/melbourne, /netug/brisbane, etc.

    image Figure: .NET UG page at with labelled SharePoint fields

How To Edit SharePoint events

  1. Navigate to the Events Calendar on the SSW Events SharePoint site, which can be found here:

image Figure: SSW Events Calendar on SharePoint -

  1. If you don't have access, request access by following the steps in the SugarLearning item:

  2. After you have access, any edits you make on events showing in the calendar will show up on the pages mentioned above.

image Figure: Editing experience on SharePoint - you can see what fields correspond to which elements on pages above