TC_1 - Log in and check account data and labels
TC_2 - Change givenName, surName and displayName
TC_3 - Check that dashboard names changed according to TC_2 and restore names to default
TC_4 - Change language to English
TC_5 - Check that dashboard language is english and restore language to default
TC_6 - Try to remove the primary email address
TC_7 - Add an additional email address and confirm it by code
TC_8 - Remove the additional email address added in TC_7
TC_9 - Try to add the default email address as extra email address
TC_12 - Add additional email address, try to confirm with incorrect code
TC_13 - Remove the additional email address added in TC_12
TC_14 - Try to add additional email address thats invalid
TC_15 - Add an extra email address and confirm it by clicking on link in email
TC_16 - Remove the extra email address added in TC_15
TC_17 - Inititiate password change but abort at pop-up window
TC_18 - Inititiate password change but abort instead of save new password
TC_19 - Change password, use recommended
TC_20 - Change password, use custom
TC_21 - Initiate password change but enter incorrect current password
TC_22 - Initiate password change but choose a too week password
TC_23 - Reset password with extra security (mobile OTP) and set a new custom password, use default pw
TC_24 - Reset password with extra security (mobile OTP) and set new recommended password
TC_25 - Reset password with extra security (mobile OTP), resend mobile OTP once. Set a new custom password, use default pw
TC_26 - Try to log in with incorrect password
TC_27 - Reset password with extra security (mobile OTP), resend mobile OTP once. Set a new custom password, use default pw
TC_28 - Try to reset password with incorrect magic code
TC_29 - Reset password without extra security (mobile OTP). Abort confirmation of the phone number from dashboard
TC_30 - After reset password without extra security (mobile OTP). Enter incorrect code for confirmation of the phone number from dashboard
TC_31 - Reset password without extra security (mobile OTP). Confirm the phone number from dashboard
TC_32 - Initiate account termination but abort in confirm pop-up
TC_33 - Delete the account
TC_34 - Reset password with extra security (mobile OTP) and set a new custom password, use default pw
TC_35 - Initiate Register of new account, abort at terms
TC_36 - Initiate Register of new account, abort at captcha
TC_37 - Initiate Register of new account, use incorrect magic code
TC_38 - Register a new account
TC_39 - Try to register new account with already existing user name
TC_40 - Register new account, add and confirm phone number. Confirm identity by phone
TC_41 - Register new account, add and confirm phone number. Confirm identity by mail
TC_43 - On a new account, log in to support tool and verify all registered parameters"
TC_98 - Confirm phone number on default account, to restore it from previous tests
TC_42 - Log in, with eppn, and check account data and labels
TC_99 - Check the Help pages
TC_44 - Verify that login to eduID can be done from Swamid Testing on a verified account
TC_45 - Verify that login to eduID can be done from Swamid Testing on a non-verified account