I'm Ricky Saka, a fullstack software developer working with the MERN stack.
I'm a self-taught software developer and the journey have been quite nice.
I'm a secondary school computer science teacher who decided to become a software engineer.
I played with Java, Python and learnt some basics of deep learning and AI. I decided to land on web development because I love crafting and bulding things up.
I design and develop web apps, both backend and frontend and also test them end-to-end.
I'm currently working on an e-commerce website and trying make practice all what i've been learning so far.
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on open source projects with the MERN stack.
🤔 I'm looking at becoming good at software design to solve the problems people have in my community.
- 🌱 Currently learning frontend and backend test and TDD
- Pronouns: He/Him
📫 How to reach me: