This is a repo for Neural ODE and CDE forecasters.
You should install these necessary packages:
- matplotlib>=3.5.1
- numpy>=1.22.2
- pandas>=1.4.1
- torch>=1.10.2
- torchcde>=0.2.5
- torchdiffeq>=0.2.2
- tqdm>=4.63.0
Then place your own data files in data/
. Please change models/
function to get dicts for train, val (if optional else None) and test. These dicts must be formulated by Pytorch tensors as:
"x_time": torch.Size([all_samples, x_time_points, 1]) # Timestamps
"x_data": torch.Size([all_samples, x_time_points, x_dims]) # input data
"x_mask": torch.Size([all_samples, x_time_points, x_dims]) # input mask. Bool tensor.
"y_time": torch.Size([all_samples, y_time_points, 1]) # Timestamps
"y_data": torch.Size([all_samples, y_time_points, x_dims]) # output data
"y_mask": torch.Size([all_samples, y_time_points, x_dims]) # output mask. Bool tensor.
I've implemented a function models/
to change the Args
dict in
(A simple alternative to argparse
package!), so you can run commands like:
python --arch Recurrent --using CDE --no_save
Or simply click and run
. This way makes sense because the arguments mentioned above have default values in Args
To use different models, you can set:
--arch: "Recurrent", "Seq2Seq" and "VAE" are available.
--using: "ODE_RNN" or "CDE". "CDE" only for "Recurrent" now.
argument prevents the model to create experiment results files. Without this, visualization results can be found in fig/
, result logs in log/
and checkpoint files in ckpt/
is used to clear files above. You can type:
python --ID 999999
In order to clear files for experiment ID 999999, for instance.