Write the README
Fix the map swap: ?!
Cosmetic change: creature/player size to fit entirely within cell, rather than overlap top/left -
Make sliders display/allow text input -
Auto-populate selects with JSON.
Python/bash script to filesystem trawl and generate JSON.
Nested for monster/map classifying
Add more creatures
Add more maps
Allow text input search for map/creature.
Autocomplete suggestions?
filter dropdowns as it goes?
Statuses/concentration on characters/creatures
code to repo rather than from html call
Stretch goals:
- Fog Of War overlays
- Statuses on characters/creatures
- Create circles for spell effects
- Add defaults ?
- size/offset to maps and parse with regex on load.
- default size for monsters
For 3: generate select of divs. Can filter on draggable classes. Try and add some kind of ring? Different colours maybe?
Maybe right click context menu to add?