Xamarin UI for JuvoPlayer component derived from an integrated JuvoPlayer application
Tizen Extensions for Visual Studio Family
Needed for Visual Studio family IDEs only.
Version depends on target device in use.
Building JuvoPlayer UI.Xamarin requires reference to following nuget repositories.
Repository | Source |
nuget.org | https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json |
tizen.myget.org | https://tizen.myget.org/F/dotnet/api/v2 |
Debug build configuration
Debug HotReload
Debug build configuration with Xamarin Forms hot reload enabled.
Release configuration
- application logs.JuvoPlayer
- JuvoPlayer component logs.
Startup projects differ for Tizen 5/Tizen 6 devices. Such approach was chosen to overcome limitations of Tizen Tools for Visual Studio, which silently ignores target framework selection in multitargeted project.
- Streaming and DRM support as specified in JuvoPlayer component.
- SkiaSharp library used for preview tiles.
- Multitasking support.
- SmartHub preview support.
- TV Emulator support.
- No subtitle support.
- No UDP logging.