Website Demo
git checkout ssr || git checkout non-ssr
- run
npm install
running dev (hot reloading)
cd FullStackCalendar && npm run start:dev
- FullStack app will be running on port 8000 e.g
- Development on the front-end open a seperate terminal,
cd CalendarFrontEnd && npm start
- App will be running on port 3000
running production
cd CalendarFrontEnd && npm run build
cp build/* -r ../FullStackCalendar
npm start
- Local Persisted Authentication
+ user have to be logged to create an event
- user can only modified and delete polls s/he created
- user will be promted with a notification
- user can only modified and delete polls s/he created
- Rules
- all backend routes start with '/api', e.g. localhost:8000/api/polls'
- you have to be logged in to access most routes, e.g, post, put and delete routes
- Rules
+ all backend routes start with '/api/v1/', e.g. http://localhost:3001/api/polls'
+ you have to be logged in to access most routes, e.g, post, put and delete routes
+ create a new event
+ returns all events with their options
+ deletes a event, all its associated voting records will also be deleted
+ update an existing event.