Event Management Website using Php & Mysql
Steps to Run Event_Kanri Website
1.Install XAMPP and start actions of Apache and MySql.
2.Download the zip file. Move the Event_Kanri files in htdocs(a folder in XAMPP) & extract files.
3.Make Databases, using phpmyadmin, with name :
a.Create 2 table in it:
1.adminlogin, containing id, email, password & image profile
2.register.php, containing id, name, email, password, college, mobile_no
4.Admin can login from adminlogin.php.
5.You have to manually add data in the adminlogin table.
6.If you have registered in any event of Kreiva, it will send a confirmation message to your email id from file auto.php.
7.You can add events from page addEvent.php & also sub events in addSubEvent.php.