- Run
npm i
- Run
npm run start
PoC of an Angular project with:
Angular Core
- Core and Shared modules
- Lazy Loading Features
- Container / Presentational Components (Smart / Dumb Components)
- Angular & Typescript Strict mode
- TailwindCSS
- Formly for generating dynamic forms
- Multilingual site with my own Transloco Localize Router plugin and adds automatically hreflang links
- Google Analytics with page views and events
- Multilingual SEO (Important: It would have to be transformed to SSR/SSG application for optimal SEO)
- Performance with the use of trackBy, OnPush, Intersection Observer ...
State Management
- NgRx as State Management
- NgRx + RTK (Redux Toolkit)
- RTK Entity for the treatment of entities with NgRx
- NgRx Router State to manage the state of the App from the Router in NgRx
- Good Actions Hygiene to think on actions as events ([Source] Event), not as commands
- ngrx-store-localstorage to save or retrieve parts of the state from the localStorage. We rehydrate NgRx content (Cache)
- Dark Mode with Media Query 'prefers-color-scheme: dark' support
- Prefetch Directive to preload information when a component is hovered over or displayed on the screen
- Auto Lazy Load Images Directive to automatically add lazy load to images if browser supports it
- Skeleton content loader with TailwindCSS and @ngneat/content-loader
- Auto deploy on Merge and preview on PR with Github Actions
- CodeQL analysis
- Husky and lint-staged to pass lint and prettier to changed code on commit
- Commitlint to use Convetional Commits
# Create Lazy Feature
> ng g module features/(nombre-feature) --module [app | parent-module-name] --route (route-name)
# Create Data-Access of a Feature (Not Shared)
> ng g module features/(nombre-feature)/data-access-(state-name) --module features/(nombre-feature-padre)
> ng g feature features/(nombre-feature)/data-access-(state-name)/+state/(StateName) -m features/(nombre-feature)/data-access-(state-name) --creators --api
> ng g service features/(nombre-feature)/data-access-(state-name)/services/(service-name)
> ng g interface features/(nombre-feature)/data-access-(state-name)/models/(model-name) model
# Create Shared Data-Access
> ng g module shared/data-access-(state-name) --module shared
> ng g feature shared/data-access-(state-name)/+state/(StateName) -m shared/data-access-(state-name) --creators --api
> ng g service shared/data-access-(state-name)/services/(service-name)
> ng g interface shared/data-access-(state-name)/models/(model-name) model
# Misc
> ng g component features/(nombre-feature)/containers/(container-name)
> ng g component features/(nombre-feature)/components/(component-name)
> ng g service features/(nombre-feature)/services/(service-name)
> ng g interface features/(nombre-feature)/models/(model-name) model
Saúl Moro Gómez [email protected]