Educational guides, writeups and challenges resources for the 2022 Equinor CTF
- The Projects - Root
- The Projects - User
- Haxquash - User
- Haxquashed - Root
- cantc
- heap
- xored
- thing
- The state of limbo
- Notes - Revisited
- Console Pew 2
- nop
- Spring
- HiddenOutOfSight
- Notes
- blog
- Lost Keys
- bkdr
- Never Gonna Give You Up
- A picture is worth a thousand words
- stompit
- Pretty Document File
- 1337 Security Authority
- Lets play a game
- frontpage
- Lets play harder
- Crypt
- hashle
- Drive To Survive S02
- Drive To Survive S01
- cmp
- vegetables
- fms
- Broken UX
- rip
- the npm package
- When the Stars Align
- Console Pew
- pincodes
- Super Secure Storage
- Automated the secrets
- ServicePrincipal
- Cloud protected web app
- Service Principals as SysAdmins
- shop-1
- Haxxor
- EPT CTF feedback form
- Flask Sessions
- shop-2
- helpdesk
- blog2
- EPT signals
- IQ puzzle
- Lockpick - Small Masterlock
- Lockpick - Cocraft 400
- Lockpick - Combination Lock
- rsimpla
- Encrypt all the files
- Proof of knowledge