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add Deep Galerkin method
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ChrisRackauckas authored Mar 4, 2024
2 parents 389086f + c380453 commit a20efb6
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Showing 8 changed files with 460 additions and 2 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .github/workflows/CI.yml
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Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ jobs:
- AdaptiveLoss
- Logging
- Forward
- NeuralAdapter
- "1"
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4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion Project.toml
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Expand Up @@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ Symbolics = "5"
Test = "1"
UnPack = "1"
Zygote = "0.6"
MethodOfLines = "0.10.7"
julia = "1.6"

Expand All @@ -95,6 +96,7 @@ OrdinaryDiffEq = "1dea7af3-3e70-54e6-95c3-0bf5283fa5ed"
Pkg = "44cfe95a-1eb2-52ea-b672-e2afdf69b78f"
SafeTestsets = "1bc83da4-3b8d-516f-aca4-4fe02f6d838f"
Test = "8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40"
MethodOfLines = "94925ecb-adb7-4558-8ed8-f975c56a0bf4"

test = ["Aqua", "Test", "CUDA", "SafeTestsets", "OptimizationOptimJL", "Pkg", "OrdinaryDiffEq", "LineSearches", "LuxCUDA", "Flux"]
test = ["Aqua", "Test", "CUDA", "SafeTestsets", "OptimizationOptimJL", "Pkg", "OrdinaryDiffEq", "LineSearches", "LuxCUDA", "Flux", "MethodOfLines"]
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/pages.jl
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Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ pages = ["",
"Bayesian PINNs for Coupled ODEs" => "tutorials/",
"PINNs DAEs" => "tutorials/",
"Parameter Estimation with PINNs for ODEs" => "tutorials/",
"Deep Galerkin Method" => "tutorials/"
#"examples/", # currently incorrect
"PDE PINN Tutorials" => Any["Introduction to NeuralPDE for PDEs" => "tutorials/",
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112 changes: 112 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/tutorials/
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## Solving PDEs using Deep Galerkin Method

### Overview

Deep Galerkin Method is a meshless deep learning algorithm to solve high dimensional PDEs. The algorithm does so by approximating the solution of a PDE with a neural network. The loss function of the network is defined in the similar spirit as PINNs, composed of PDE loss and boundary condition loss.

In the following example, we demonstrate computing the loss function using Quasi-Random Sampling, a sampling technique that uses quasi-Monte Carlo sampling to generate low discrepancy random sequences in high dimensional spaces.

### Algorithm
The authors of DGM suggest a network composed of LSTM-type layers that works well for most of the parabolic and quasi-parabolic PDEs.

S^1 &= \sigma_1(W^1 \vec{x} + b^1); \\
Z^l &= \sigma_1(U^{z,l} \vec{x} + W^{z,l} S^l + b^{z,l}); \quad l = 1, \ldots, L; \\
G^l &= \sigma_1(U^{g,l} \vec{x} + W^{g,l} S_l + b^{g,l}); \quad l = 1, \ldots, L; \\
R^l &= \sigma_1(U^{r,l} \vec{x} + W^{r,l} S^l + b^{r,l}); \quad l = 1, \ldots, L; \\
H^l &= \sigma_2(U^{h,l} \vec{x} + W^{h,l}(S^l \cdot R^l) + b^{h,l}); \quad l = 1, \ldots, L; \\
S^{l+1} &= (1 - G^l) \cdot H^l + Z^l \cdot S^{l}; \quad l = 1, \ldots, L; \\
f(t, x; \theta) &= \sigma_{out}(W S^{L+1} + b).

where $\vec{x}$ is the concatenated vector of $(t, x)$ and $L$ is the number of LSTM type layers in the network.

### Example

Let's try to solve the following Burger's equation using Deep Galerkin Method for $\alpha = 0.05$ and compare our solution with the finite difference method:

\partial_t u(t, x) + u(t, x) \partial_x u(t, x) - \alpha \partial_{xx} u(t, x) = 0

defined over
$$ t \in [0, 1], x \in [-1, 1] $$

with boundary conditions
u(t, x) & = - sin(πx), \\
u(t, -1) & = 0, \\
u(t, 1) & = 0

### Copy- Pasteable code
using NeuralPDE
using ModelingToolkit, Optimization, OptimizationOptimisers
import Lux: tanh, identity
using Distributions
import ModelingToolkit: Interval, infimum, supremum
using MethodOfLines, OrdinaryDiffEq

@parameters x t
@variables u(..)

Dt= Differential(t)
Dx= Differential(x)
Dxx= Dx^2
α = 0.05;
# Burger's equation
eq= Dt(u(t,x)) + u(t,x) * Dx(u(t,x)) - α * Dxx(u(t,x)) ~ 0

# boundary conditions
bcs= [
u(0.0, x) ~ - sin*x),
u(t, -1.0) ~ 0.0,
u(t, 1.0) ~ 0.0

domains = [t Interval(0.0, 1.0), x Interval(-1.0, 1.0)]

# MethodOfLines, for FD solution
dx= 0.01
order = 2
discretization = MOLFiniteDifference([x => dx], t, saveat = 0.01)
@named pde_system = PDESystem(eq, bcs, domains, [t, x], [u(t,x)])
prob = discretize(pde_system, discretization)
sol= solve(prob, Tsit5())
ts = sol[t]
xs = sol[x]

u_MOL = sol[u(t,x)]

# NeuralPDE, using Deep Galerkin Method
strategy = QuasiRandomTraining(4_000, minibatch= 500);
discretization= DeepGalerkin(2, 1, 50, 5, tanh, tanh, identity, strategy);
@named pde_system = PDESystem(eq, bcs, domains, [t, x], [u(t,x)]);
prob = discretize(pde_system, discretization);
global iter = 0;
callback = function (p, l)
global iter += 1;
if iter%20 == 0
println("$iter => $l")
return false

res = Optimization.solve(prob, Adam(0.01); callback = callback, maxiters = 300);
phi = discretization.phi;

u_predict= [first(phi([t, x], res.minimizer)) for t in ts, x in xs]

diff_u = abs.(u_predict .- u_MOL);

using Plots
p1 = plot(tgrid, xgrid, u_MOL', linetype = :contourf, title = "FD");
p2 = plot(tgrid, xgrid, u_predict', linetype = :contourf, title = "predict");
p3 = plot(tgrid, xgrid, diff_u', linetype = :contourf, title = "error");
plot(p1, p2, p3)
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/NeuralPDE.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ include("neural_adapter.jl")

export NNODE, NNDAE,
PhysicsInformedNN, discretize,
Expand All @@ -62,6 +63,7 @@ export NNODE, NNDAE,
AbstractAdaptiveLoss, NonAdaptiveLoss, GradientScaleAdaptiveLoss,
MiniMaxAdaptiveLoss, LogOptions,
ahmc_bayesian_pinn_ode, BNNODE, ahmc_bayesian_pinn_pde, vector_to_parameters,
BPINNsolution, BayesianPINN
BPINNsolution, BayesianPINN,

end # module
174 changes: 174 additions & 0 deletions src/dgm.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
struct dgm_lstm_layer{F1, F2} <:Lux.AbstractExplicitLayer

function dgm_lstm_layer(in_dims::Int, out_dims::Int, activation1, activation2;
init_weight = Lux.glorot_uniform, init_bias = Lux.zeros32)
return dgm_lstm_layer{typeof(init_weight), typeof(init_bias)}(activation1, activation2, in_dims, out_dims, init_weight, init_bias);

import Lux:initialparameters, initialstates, parameterlength, statelength

function Lux.initialparameters(rng::AbstractRNG, l::dgm_lstm_layer)
return (
Uz = l.init_weight(rng, l.out_dims, l.in_dims),
Ug = l.init_weight(rng, l.out_dims, l.in_dims),
Ur = l.init_weight(rng, l.out_dims, l.in_dims),
Uh = l.init_weight(rng, l.out_dims, l.in_dims),
Wz = l.init_weight(rng, l.out_dims, l.out_dims),
Wg = l.init_weight(rng, l.out_dims, l.out_dims),
Wr = l.init_weight(rng, l.out_dims, l.out_dims),
Wh = l.init_weight(rng, l.out_dims, l.out_dims),
bz = l.init_bias(rng, l.out_dims) ,
bg = l.init_bias(rng, l.out_dims) ,
br = l.init_bias(rng, l.out_dims) ,
bh = l.init_bias(rng, l.out_dims)

Lux.initialstates(::AbstractRNG, ::dgm_lstm_layer) = NamedTuple()
Lux.parameterlength(l::dgm_lstm_layer) = 4* (l.out_dims * l.in_dims + l.out_dims * l.out_dims + l.out_dims)
Lux.statelength(l::dgm_lstm_layer) = 0

function (layer::dgm_lstm_layer)(S::AbstractVecOrMat{T}, x::AbstractVecOrMat{T}, ps, st::NamedTuple) where T
@unpack Uz, Ug, Ur, Uh, Wz, Wg, Wr, Wh, bz, bg, br, bh = ps
Z = layer.activation1.(Uz*x+ Wz*S .+ bz);
G = layer.activation1.(Ug*x+ Wg*S .+ bg);
R = layer.activation1.(Ur*x+ Wr*S .+ br);
H = layer.activation2.(Uh*x+ Wh*(S.*R) .+ bh);
S_new = (1. .- G) .* H .+ Z .* S;
return S_new, st;

struct dgm_lstm_block{L <:NamedTuple} <: Lux.AbstractExplicitContainerLayer{(:layers,)}

function dgm_lstm_block(l...)
names = ntuple(i-> Symbol("dgm_lstm_$i"), length(l));
layers = NamedTuple{names}(l);
return dgm_lstm_block(layers);

dgm_lstm_block(xs::AbstractVector) = dgm_lstm_block(xs...)

@generated function apply_dgm_lstm_block(layers::NamedTuple{fields}, S::AbstractVecOrMat, x::AbstractVecOrMat, ps, st::NamedTuple) where fields
N = length(fields);
S_symbols = vcat([:S], [gensym() for _ in 1:N])
x_symbol = :x;
st_symbols = [gensym() for _ in 1:N]
calls = [:(($(S_symbols[i + 1]), $(st_symbols[i])) = layers.$(fields[i])(
$(S_symbols[i]), $(x_symbol), ps.$(fields[i]), st.$(fields[i]))) for i in 1:N]
push!(calls, :(st = NamedTuple{$fields}((($(Tuple(st_symbols)...),)))))
push!(calls, :(return $(S_symbols[N + 1]), st))
return Expr(:block, calls...)

function (L::dgm_lstm_block)(S::AbstractVecOrMat{T}, x::AbstractVecOrMat{T}, ps, st::NamedTuple) where T
return apply_dgm_lstm_block(L.layers, S, x, ps, st)

struct dgm{S, L, E} <: Lux.AbstractExplicitContainerLayer{(:d_start, :lstm, :d_end)}
lstm:: L
d_end:: E

function (l::dgm)(x::AbstractVecOrMat{T}, ps, st::NamedTuple) where T

S, st_start = l.d_start(x, ps.d_start, st.d_start);
S, st_lstm = l.lstm(S, x, ps.lstm, st.lstm);
y, st_end = l.d_end(S, ps.d_end, st.d_end);

st_new = (
d_start= st_start,
lstm= st_lstm,
d_end= st_end
return y, st_new;


`dgm(in_dims::Int, out_dims::Int, modes::Int, L::Int, activation1, activation2, out_activation= Lux.identity)`:
returns the architecture defined for Deep Galerkin method
S^1 &= \\sigma_1(W^1 x + b^1); \\
Z^l &= \\sigma_1(U^{z,l} x + W^{z,l} S^l + b^{z,l}); \\quad l = 1, \\ldots, L; \\
G^l &= \\sigma_1(U^{g,l} x + W^{g,l} S_l + b^{g,l}); \\quad l = 1, \\ldots, L; \\
R^l &= \\sigma_1(U^{r,l} x + W^{r,l} S^l + b^{r,l}); \\quad l = 1, \\ldots, L; \\
H^l &= \\sigma_2(U^{h,l} x + W^{h,l}(S^l \\cdot R^l) + b^{h,l}); \\quad l = 1, \\ldots, L; \\
S^{l+1} &= (1 - G^l) \\cdot H^l + Z^l \\cdot S^{l}; \\quad l = 1, \\ldots, L; \\
f(t, x, \\theta) &= \\sigma_{out}(W S^{L+1} + b).
## Positional Arguments:
`in_dims`: number of input dimensions= (spatial dimension+ 1)
`out_dims`: number of output dimensions
`modes`: Width of the LSTM type layer (output of the first Dense layer)
`layers`: number of LSTM type layers
`activation1`: activation function used in LSTM type layers
`activation2`: activation function used for the output of LSTM type layers
`out_activation`: activation fn used for the output of the network
`kwargs`: additional arguments to be splatted into `PhysicsInformedNN`
function dgm(in_dims::Int, out_dims::Int, modes::Int, layers::Int, activation1, activation2, out_activation)
Lux.Dense(in_dims, modes, activation1),
dgm_lstm_block([dgm_lstm_layer(in_dims, modes, activation1, activation2) for i in 1:layers]),
Lux.Dense(modes, out_dims, out_activation)

`DeepGalerkin(in_dims::Int, out_dims::Int, modes::Int, L::Int, activation1::Function, activation2::Function, out_activation::Function,
strategy::NeuralPDE.AbstractTrainingStrategy; kwargs...)`:
returns a `discretize` algorithm for the ModelingToolkit PDESystem interface, which transforms a `PDESystem` into an
`OptimizationProblem` using the Deep Galerkin method.
## Arguments:
`in_dims`: number of input dimensions= (spatial dimension+ 1)
`out_dims`: number of output dimensions
`modes`: Width of the LSTM type layer
`L`: number of LSTM type layers
`activation1`: activation fn used in LSTM type layers
`activation2`: activation fn used for the output of LSTM type layers
`out_activation`: activation fn used for the output of the network
`kwargs`: additional arguments to be splatted into `PhysicsInformedNN`
## Examples
discretization= DeepGalerkin(2, 1, 30, 3, tanh, tanh, identity, QuasiRandomTraining(4_000));
## References
Sirignano, Justin and Spiliopoulos, Konstantinos, "DGM: A deep learning algorithm for solving partial differential equations",
Journal of Computational Physics, Volume 375, 2018, Pages 1339-1364, doi:
function DeepGalerkin(in_dims::Int, out_dims::Int, modes::Int, L::Int, activation1::Function, activation2::Function, out_activation::Function, strategy::NeuralPDE.AbstractTrainingStrategy; kwargs...)
dgm(in_dims, out_dims, modes, L, activation1, activation2, out_activation),
strategy; kwargs...

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