This repository contains a Tetravex using the Metropolis-Hasting with recuit algorithm.
The proposed solution use recuit with multi-threading with as many thread as possible using diverse parameters.
make main
./aout in.txt [out.txt]
The second charactere of the name of the file 'in.txt' is the size of the grid of Tetravex. The size goes from 3 to 6 (included).
The in.txt and out.txt have on each line the value of the cell in the following order: NORTH - WEST - EAST - SOUTH
As an example, the following grid :
corresponds to the file : s3-board.txt4745
Testing includes both functionnal tests and unit tests (using Criterion)
make check
Benchmarks are computed on 10 files for each possible size of Tetravex.
make bench
Running ./bench
Run on (12 X 2208.01 MHz CPU s)
CPU Caches:
L1 Data 32 KiB (x6)
L1 Instruction 32 KiB (x6)
L2 Unified 256 KiB (x6)
L3 Unified 9216 KiB (x1)
Load Average: 350.37, 245.65, 99.42
Benchmark Time CPU Iterations UserCounters...
BM_Tetravex_s2 0.020 s 0.005 s 127 items_per_second=1.85682k/s
BM_Tetravex_s3 0.044 s 0.009 s 74 items_per_second=1.20834k/s
BM_Tetravex_s4 0.106 s 0.007 s 101 items_per_second=1.51342k/s
BM_Tetravex_s5 0.279 s 0.009 s 10 items_per_second=950.73/s
BM_Tetravex_s6 2.77 s 0.022 s 10 items_per_second=507.76/s