Akiro is a High Performance Messaging and Connectivity platform. Akiro's MQTT Broker is proven to handle millions of concurrent connections at production scale.
For more information on the product and solutions visit our website : https://www.theakiro.com
This project is intended to offer simple and easy to use MQTT Client for applications which run on JVM based platforms.
The current implementation of the Java client is a wrapper around Eclipse Paho Java Client and provides.
For information on Javascript based MQTT client please refer to Akiro MQTT Javascript Client
Eclipse Paho is an open source project which provides a number of clients using which one can connect to the server over MQTT messaging protocol.
For complete information on the project : https://www.eclipse.org/paho/index.php?page=clients/js/index.php#
- Java : 1.8
- Maven : 3.x
Clone the repo into a directory of choice.
Perform a simple maven build using the command
mvn clean install
This will install the Akiro MQTT Client library to your local M2 Repo.
Plugin the library to your application by adding it as a Maven dependency.
Create a Client Instance by providing the required connection configuration parameters.
Following connection parameters are supported
host : "akiro.broker.ip",
port : "akiro.broker.port",
userName : “<string>”,
password : ”<string>”,
connectionTimeOut (in seconds) : <number>,
keepAliveInterval (in seconds) : <boolean>,
cleanSession : <boolean>,
autoReconnect : <boolean>,
willMessage : <topic,payload,qos,retain>
// Create the connection config
MQTTMessage willmessage = new MQTTMessage("topic", "My Last Will Message", 0, true);
MQTTConnectionConfig config = new MQTTConnectionConfigBuilder(host, username, password)
Implement the interface CallBackHandler, to configure callbacks in order to take control on the actions and perform certain business logic.
Following callback functions are available
void messageReceived(MQTTMessage message);
void messageDelivered(MQTTMessage message);
void subscriptionComplete(String topic);
void connectionEstablished();
void connectionLost();
void connectionFailure();
new CallBackHandler() {
public void messageReceived(MQTTMessage message) {
System.out.println("Message received succesfully :: " + message.getPayload());
public void messageDelivered(MQTTMessage message) {
System.out.println("Message delivered successfully :: " + message.getPayload());
public void connectionLost() {
System.out.println("Connection lost");
public void connectionEstablished() {
System.out.println("Connection established successfully");
public void subscriptionComplete(String topic) {
System.out.println("Subscribed to :: " + topic);
public void connectionFailure() {
System.out.println("Connection Failed.");
MQTTClient client = MQTTClientFactory.createMqttClientInstance(,, );
Once the client is initialized, connect to the MQTTBroker with a simple call.
Once the connection is successfully established with the Broker, we can now create an MQTT message and publish to the required topic.
MQTTMessage message = new MQTTMessage();
message.setPayload("this is your message payload");
String topic = "your topic of interest";
client.publish(message, topic);
Set topics = new HashSet();
Upon subscribing to a topic, you will start receiving the messages at the callback method configured.
Unsubscribing from a topic is very similar and simple to subscribe.
client.unsubscribe(“topic name”);
Set topics = new HashSet();
Disconnect the client from the broker using a simple call.
The example application to demonstrate the important operations
package com.sentienz.akiro.client.mqtt.examples;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import com.sentienz.akiro.client.mqtt.MQTTClient;
import com.sentienz.akiro.client.mqtt.CallBackHandler;
import com.sentienz.akiro.client.mqtt.MQTTClientFactory;
import com.sentienz.akiro.client.mqtt.exception.MQTTException;
import com.sentienz.akiro.client.mqtt.model.MQTTConnectionConfig;
import com.sentienz.akiro.client.mqtt.model.MQTTMessage;
import com.sentienz.akiro.client.mqtt.model.MQTTConnectionConfig.MQTTConnectionConfigBuilder;
public class MQTTClientExample {
public static void main(String args[]) {
String host = "akiro.broker.ip";
String username = "deviceUserName";
String password = "devicePassword";
String deviceId = "mySampleDeviceId";
int port = 1883;
int keepAliveInterval = 2;
boolean isAutoReconnect = true;
int connectionTimeOut = 10;
MQTTMessage willmessage = new MQTTMessage("topic", "My Last Will Message", 0, true);
MQTTConnectionConfig config = new MQTTConnectionConfigBuilder(host, username, password)
try {
MQTTClient client =
MQTTClientFactory.createMqttClientInstance(deviceId, new CallBackHandler() {
public void messageReceived(MQTTMessage message) {
System.out.println("Message received succesfully :: " + message.getPayload());
public void messageDelivered(MQTTMessage message) {
System.out.println("Message delivered successfully :: " + message.getPayload());
public void connectionLost() {
System.out.println("Connection lost");
public void connectionEstablished() {
System.out.println("Connection established successfully");
public void subscriptionComplete(String topic) {
System.out.println("subscribed to :: " + topic);
public void connectionFailure() {
System.out.println("Connection Failed.");
}, config);
// Subscribe to topic1 and topic2
Set<String> topics = new HashSet<String>();
// Publish message to topic1
MQTTMessage message = new MQTTMessage();
message.setPayload("Your message payload");
client.publish(message, "topic1");
// Unsubscribe from topic1
// Disconnect the client
} catch (MQTTException e) {
System.out.println("Exception occured " + e.getMessage());