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Manage Emoji Commands

SethCohen edited this page Feb 23, 2023 · 4 revisions

Requires a role with Manage Emojis And Stickers permissions.

  • emojisteal

    • /emojisteal emoji: <emoji> optional:name: <name>
    • Takes in a discord emoji from another server and uploads it to your server. Randomly generates a name if one is not given. If user does not have Nitro, /uploademoji may be the better command instead.
    • Note: /copysteal has been renamed to /emojisteal

  • removeunused

    • /removeunused number: <number>
    • Removes however many - as specified by user - of the least used emojis from the server.

  • renameemoji

    • /renameemoji emoji: <emoji> name: <name>
    • Renames a given emoji with a new name given in command.

  • stickerfy

    • /stickerfy url: <url> name: <name> tag: <unicode emoji>
    • Takes in a url to .gif image, applies some image editing if needed (Such as compression, resizing, etc), converts the image to an .apng and attempts to upload it to server as a sticker.

  • uploademoji

    • /uploademoji url: <url> optional:name: <name>
    • Takes in a url to either a .gif, .jpg, or .png, applies some image editing if needed (Such as compression, resizing, etc), and attempts to upload it to server as an emoji.

  • stickersteal

    • /stickersteal messageid: <url> tag: <unicode discord emoji> optional:name: <name>
    • Steals a sticker by message id and uploads it to your server.

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