Dummy payment gateway for testng purposes. Can pay using card details as well as using the phone number.
fake-payment-gateway, that handle
- payment via card details
- payment via phone number
- each payment send email notification for customer
- can fetch all card/ phone payment history
fake-payment-gateway uses:
download the project.
[email protected]:ShalithaCell/fake-payment-gateway.git
Goto inside to 'fake-payment-gateway' folder and run the command.
npm install
Configure email sender
create .env file in project root folder. execute following command,
In windows
cd > .env
In Mac/ Linux
touch .env
add following code to the .env file with your email address credentials,
MAIL_SENDER_IDENTITY="please enter your email address here" MAIL_SENDER_PASSWORD="please enter your email password here"
make sure you should enable, less secure apps in gmail account. * How to enable less secure apps
Run the Project
npm run start
- Before integration the fake-payment gateway, please simulate the api end-points using the postman. You can find the Postman collection inside the doc folder.
You can get all api end-points invoking the following link,
For card payment
- url : http://localhost:5100/api/v1/payment/card
- type : POST
- sample request body :
{ "app_name": "ABC", "service": "Electronic Items", "customer_email":"[email protected]", "card_type ": "VISA", "card_holder_name": "Example", "card_number": "4242424242424242", "expiryMonth": "01", "expiryYear": "2020", "cvv": "123", "amount": "5000.00", "currency": "USD" }
For payment using phone number
- url : http://localhost:5100/api/v1/payment/phone
- type : POST
- sample request body :
{ "app_name": "ABC", "service": "Electronic Items", "customer_email":"[email protected]", "phone_number ": "0771940055", "phone_holder_name": "shalitha", "amount": "5000.00", "currency": "USD" }
Get card payment transaction history
- url : http://localhost:5100/api/v1/payment/card
- type : GET
Get phone payment transaction history
- url : http://localhost:5100/api/v1/payment/phone
- type : GET
Want to contribute? Great!
- I'm here for your pull-request.
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Free Software, Hell Yeah!