Animation, Effects & Transitions for iOS projects.
An iOS application/project, that contains various classes/tutorials for effects, transitions and animations created with UIKit, that you can learn from and use in our own iOS projects.
- Row View Transition
- Toast Views
- Text-Type & Text-Gradient Effects.
- Swift 5
- UIKit
- CoreGraphics
- CoreAnimation
The project is built supporting iOS 13.5, you can change the deployment target to run it on previous iOS versions
The guidelines for contributon is covered in the contributing document. (Do read it first, it'll help you maintain the hierarchy of the project and it also will help the users to find things easily)
- Fork the project.
- Switch to the
branch (it's where all the active code is present). - Run the project using Xcode.
- If you are having trouble with this project or if you find any bugs, do open a new issue and describe the problem.
- Alternatively, you can drop me a mail @ [email protected].
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© Shubham Kumar Singh | 2021