A website based on the Javelin framework. Here the basic principles of building modern websites on the MVC architecture are worked out: working with routing, request handlers and a template engine, interacting with the database via ORM.
Checking that the page is being added for the first time. Checking that the entered link is a site (with a protocol, domain) Each added site displays the date of the last check and the response code. For each added site, you can run a check that the site is available and see its titles and description.
- Framework: Javelin
- ORM: Ebean
- Web: Thymeleaf, Bootstrap
- Parser: Jsoup
- Tests: JUnit 5, Unirest
- Tests report: Jacoco
- Linter: Checkstyle
- DB: H2 (development), PostgreSQL (production)
Deployment on Railway & Heroku.
- Java 17
- Gradle 7.xx
- Make
- Building project
make build
- Run app
make start
The app will be launch on http://localhost:3000/
- Run tests
make test