Computer Vision I at NTU 2019 Fall.
This course has 10 homeworks. The 10 homeworks are as follows:
- Basic Image Manipulation
- Basic Image Manipulation
- Histogram Equalization
- Mathematical Morphology - Binary Morphology
- Mathematical Morphology - Gray Scaled Morphology
- Yokoi Connectivity Number
- Thinning
- Noise Removal
- General Edge Detection
- Zero Crossing Edge Detection
- Environment
- Basic Image Manipulation
- Basic Image Manipulation
- Histogram Equalization
- Mathematical Morphology - Binary Morphology
- Mathematical Morphology - Gray Scaled Morphology
- Yokoi Connectivity Number
- Thinning
- Noise Removal
- General Edge Detection
- Zero Crossing Edge Detection
- Programming Language: Python 3
- Programming IDE: Visual Studio Code
- Operating System: Windows 10 x64
Part 1 of this homework is writing a program to generate the following images from lena.bmp.
- Up-side-down lena.bmp.
- Right-side-left lena.bmp.
- Diagonally mirrored lena.bmp.
- Code: HW1.1
Part 2 of this homework is using any kind of software to do the following things:
- Rotate lena.bmp 45 degrees clockwise.
- Shrink lena.bmp in half.
- Binarize lena.bmp at 128 to get a binary image.
- Code: HW1.2
Part 1 of this homework is to binarize lena.bmp with threshold 128 (0-127, 128-255).
- Code: HW2.1
Part 2 of this homework is to draw the histogram of lena.bmp.
- Code: HW2.2
Part 3 of this homework is to find connected components with following rules:
- Draw bounding box of regions.
- Draw cross at centroid of regions.
- Omit regions that have a pixel count less than 500.
- Code: HW2.3
This homework is to do histogram equalization with following rules:
- Adjust the brightness of lena.bmp to one-third.
- Do histogram equalization on dark image.
- Show the histogram of the final image.
- Code: HW3.1
This homework is to do binary morphology with following rules:
- Please use the octagonal 3-5-5-5-3 kernel.
- Please use the “L” shaped kernel to detect the upper-right corner for hit-and-miss transform.
- Please process the white pixels (operating on white pixels).
- Five images should be included in your report: Dilation, Erosion, Opening, Closing, and Hit-and-Miss.
- Code: HW4.1
This homework is to do gray scaled morphology with following rules:
- Please use the octagonal 3-5-5-5-3 kernel.
- Please take the local maxima or local minima respectively.
- Four images should be included in your report: Dilation, Erosion, Opening, and Closing.
- Code: HW5
This homework is to do Yokoi connectivity number with following rules:
- Please binarize leba.bmp with threshold 128.
- Please down sampling binary.bmp from 512x512 to 64x64, using 8x8 blocks as unit and take the topmost-left pixel as the down sampling data.
- Print Yokoi connectivity number to text file.
- Code: HW6
This homework is to do thinning operation with following rules:
- Please binarize leba.bmp with threshold 128.
- Do thinning operation on binary image.
- Code: HW7
This homework is to do noise removal with following rules:
- Generate Gaussian noise with amplitude of 10 and 30.
- Generate salt-and-pepper noise with probability of 0.1 and 0.05.
- Use the 3x3 and 5x5 box filter on noise images.
- Use the 3x3 and 5x5 median filter on noise images.
- Use opening-then-closing and closing-then-opening filter on noise images.
- Calculate the signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) of noise images.
- Code: HW8
This homework is to do general edge detection with following rules:
- Robert’s operator with threshold of 12.
- Prewitt’s edge detector with threshold of 24.
- Sobel’s edge detector with threshold of 38.
- Frei and Chen’s gradient operator with threshold of 30.
- Kirsch’s compass operator with threshold of 135.
- Robinson’s compass operator with threshold of 43.
- Nevatia-Babu 5x5 operator with threshold of 12500.
- Code: HW9
This homework is to do zero crossing edge detection with following rules:
- Laplacian mask 1 with threshold of 15.
- Laplacian mask 2 with threshold of 15.
- Minimum variance Laplacian with threshold of 20.
- Laplacian of Gaussian with threshold of 3000.
- Difference of Gaussian with threshold of 1.
- Code: HW10