yarr (yet another rss reader) is a web-based feed aggregator which can be used both as a desktop application and a personal self-hosted server.
It is written in Go with the frontend in Vue.js. The storage is backed by SQLite.
The latest prebuilt binaries for Linux/MacOS/Windows are available here.
Download yarr-*-macos64.zip
, unzip it, place yarr.app
in /Applications
To open the app follow the instructions provided here or run the command below:
xattr -d com.apple.quarantine /Applications/yarr.app
Download yarr-*-windows32.zip
, unzip it, open yarr.exe
The Linux version doesn't come with the desktop environment integration. For easy access on DE it is recommended to create a desktop menu entry by by following the steps below:
unzip -x yarr*.zip
sudo mv yarr /usr/local/bin/yarr
sudo nano /usr/local/share/applications/yarr.desktop
and pasting the content:
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=/usr/local/bin/yarr -open
For self-hosting, see yarr -h
for auth, tls & server configuration flags.
For building from source code, see build.md
Feather for icons.