NOTICE: Using this plugin alone will not enable users to use JavaScript when an application is running in the background.
A second plugin that generates a background process to offer the program background cycles must be used in conjunction with this.
The primary purpose of this plugin is to address the issue mentioned above. If an app is not deemed a "foreground app" for Android API 26 or later, background processing will be prohibited, and background pluggins won't operate as intended.
With the help of this plugin, your application will operate correctly in the background by becoming a forefront program. This plugin could also be useful for Android Doze, which prevents applications from running in the background unless they are also running in the forefront.
interface StartServiceOptions {
icon?:string, // Custom icon path otherwise a Star icon is the default
importance?:number, //2: NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_DEFAULT;
//3: NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_HIGH;
//default: NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_LOW;
notificationId?:number // custom notificationId
CapacitorForegroundService.startService(options: StartServiceOptions);`
import {CapacitorForegroundService} from "capacitor-foreground-service";
CapacitorForegroundService.startService({title:"Foreground Service",description:"Foreground Service running...."});
# Stop service
- Custom Notification click action