Application consisting of backend, web frontend and mobile developed during a one-week course, called Omnistack11, by RocketSeat.
The web application is a simple website where NGO's can list their cases (like puppies being run over or a homeless person in need of shelter) and add a monetary value required to accomplish their goal with this case. Login is a simple key authentication, definitely not secure. Each NGO is given an id and uses that to authenticate.
The mobile application is wheere all NGO's cases are listed and users can read descriptions and decide which case they want to help. They can send email or messages through Whatsapp and see how they can help.
The back end links both applications together and contains some data validation as well as tests.
📖 Backend -
- React
- Axios
- React Router
You can view the live demos for both web and mobile on these links:
The server is also hosted on heroku, so the app should be running just fine.