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Aurora Spring Boot MVC Starter

A Spring Boot starter for MVC related functionality. Supports RestTemplate and servlet (blocking calls). This starter is has a dependency on the base-starter.

How to use

Include the starter as a dependency



Spring Sleuth is included by the base starter. It is a distributed tracing solution for Spring Boot apps. Spring Sleuth will generate its own IDs, however it can be useful to see how these IDs related to the Korrelasjonsid header.

By enabling the filter Korrelasjonsid set will be included in the information sent to Grafana Tempo as a tag. If Korrelasjonsid is not set, this tag will simply be skipped.

Korrelasjonsid, Meldingsid and Klientid is set on MDC if they are present in the incoming request.

Spring Sleuth is by default disabled for local development and enabled in OpenShift. You can override this by setting the following property:

spring.sleuth.otel.exporter.otlp.enabed = true

To set the url for the otel exporter:

spring.sleuth.otel.exporter.otlp.endpoint = <otlp-url>

RestTemplate interceptor

The RestTemplate interceptor will add the Korrelasjonsid, Meldingsid and Klientid headers to requests sent from the RestTemplate instance. To use this functionality enabled it using the property, as shown below. It is disabled by default. Inject it as a normal Spring bean using the RestTemplateBuilder, where you can also add you own customization.

aurora.mvc.header.resttemplate.interceptor.enabled = true

The headers set are based on these values:

  • Korrelasjonsid taken from the RequestKorrelasjon class. If not found, it will generate a new ID.
  • Medlindsid will always generate a new ID.
  • Klientid set from the environment variable AURORA_KLIENTID or uses application name with version as fallback (using the property and APP_VERSION env). The User-Agent header will also be set to the same value.

Graceful Shutdown Handler for Tomcat

The starter will add a graceful shutdown handler for Tomcat (without it Tomcat may terminate ongoing requests on SIGTERM)


Micrometer metrics collectors registered (provided by the base starter):

  • RestTemplateMetrics
  • TomcatMetrics


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