enable crb repos #212
1 error
Build Container Image
Error: buildah exited with code 1
Trying to pull registry.access.redhat.com/ubi9/ubi:latest...
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob sha256:6b20e0c6c1e16f403ab42ddafa7c2b351b4e0da50ae0d410cd77097acfd48a79
Copying blob sha256:6b20e0c6c1e16f403ab42ddafa7c2b351b4e0da50ae0d410cd77097acfd48a79
Copying config sha256:3b63310310b9d22df9fd18eb7a320846967c69f75166c3d198c3dd886dafde4e
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures
subscription-manager: error: no such option: ubi-9-codeready-builder-rpms
Problem: cannot install the best candidate for the job
- nothing provides libcapstone.so.4()(64bit) needed by php-opcache-8.3.6-1.el9.remi.x86_64 from remi-modular
error building at STEP "RUN dnf install php-fpm php-cli composer php-pgsql php-pdo php-gd php-soap php-redis php-opcache unzip vim git -y": error while running runtime: exit status 1
time="2024-05-06T22:58:55Z" level=error msg="exit status 1"