This back-end application was made using node.js with the express and mongoose frameworks. It's exposed on the ip(:port):
If you want to run it locally you must download and install the current LTS (long term support) version of node.js from here this version includes npm.
In the root folder of the project /web/ you must run the following commands:
npm install
npm start
Now the app is running on your localhost:3000 and you can open it from your browser and interact with it using http requests.
/models/ -> Here are located the models/scemas used for the database creation.
/services/ -> Here are located all the http services which are exposed for the front-end to use.
All folders use their index.js files at first and then redirect the actions depending on the URL of the http request reaching.
Method: GET, URL: /biddingProjects, FUNCTION: returns a JSON with all the projects registered.
Method: POST, URL: /biddingProjects/updateBiddingProject/:id FUNCTION: receives a body receives a body with data of a bbidding roject and actualize by ID.
Method: POST, URL: /biddingProjects/createBiddingProject, FUNCTION: receives a body with data of a bbidding roject and creates it on the database
Method: GET, URL: /biddingprojects/:projectId' FUNCTION: returns a JSON with the bidding project if exist in the database.
Method: GET, URL: /instantProjects, FUNCTION: returns a JSON with all the projects registered.
Method: POST, URL: /instantProjects/updateinstantProject/:id FUNCTION: receives a body receives a body with data of a instant roject and actualize by ID.
Method: POST, URL: /instantProjects/createIntantProject, FUNCTION: receives a body with data of a instant project and creates it on the database
Method: GET, URL: /instantprojects/:projectId' FUNCTION: returns a JSON with the instant project if exist in the database.
Method: GET, URL: /questions, FUNCTION: returns a JSON with all the questions registered.
Method: POST, URL: /questions/updateQuestion/:id FUNCTION: eceives a body with data of a question question and actualize by ID.
Method: POST, URL: /questions/createQuestion', FUNCTION: receives a body with data of a question and creates it on the database
Method: GET, URL: /questions//getQuestionById/:id' FUNCTION: returns a JSON with the iquestion if exist in the database.
Method: POST, URL: /puzzles/createPuzzle', FUNCTION: receives a body with data of a puzzle and creates it on the database
Method: GET, URL: /puzzles/getPuzzleById/:id' FUNCTION: returns a JSON with the puzzle if exist in the database.
Method: GET, URL: /puzzles/, FUNCTION: returns a JSON with all the puzzles stored.
Method: POST, URL: /assignments/createPuzzle', FUNCTION: receives a body with data of an assignment and creates it on the database
Method: PUT, URL: assignments/updateAssignment/:id, FUNCTION: receives a body with data of a assignment and updates the data of the assignment with the id on the URL.
Method: GET, URL: /assignmentss/getAssignment' FUNCTION: returns a JSON with the assignments
Method: GET, URL: /assignments/:projectId' FUNCTION: returns a JSON with the assignment if exist in the database.
Method: GET, URL: /certifications/getCertification/' FUNCTION: returns a JSON with the certifications
Method: PUT, URL: /certifications/updateCertification/:id', FUNCTION: receives a body with data of a certification and updates the data of the certifications with the id on the URL.
Method: POST, URL: /certifications/createCertification/', FUNCTION: receives a body with data of a certification and creates it on the database
Method: POST, URL: /login, FUNCTION: receives a body with username and password and returns if it's a registered user.
Method: GET, URL: /users, FUNCTION: returns a JSON with all the users registered.
Method: POST, URL: /users, FUNCTION: receives a body with data of a user and creates it on the database.
Method: GET, URL: users/:userId, FUNCTION: returns a JSON with the user with that id.
Method: PUT, URL: users/:userId, FUNCTION: receives a body with data of a user and updates the data of the user with the id on the URL.
Method: GET, URL: users/username/:username, FUNCTION: returns a JSON with the user with that username.
Method: POST, URL: users/username, FUNCTION: receives a body with a companyId and a role and returns all users with that role and that companyId.
Method: POST, URL: users/usersByRole, FUNCTION: receives a body with a role and returns all users with that role.
Method: GET, URL:users/company/:companyId, FUNCTION: returns a list of the users affiliated to the company with that companyId.
Method: GET, URL: /companies, FUNCTION: returns a JSON with all the companies registered.
Method: POST, URL: /companies, FUNCTION: receives a body with data of a company and creates it on the database.
Method: GET, URL: companies/:companyId, FUNCTION: returns a JSON with the company with that id.
Method: PUT, URL: companies/:companyId, FUNCTION: receives a body with data of a company and updates the data of the company with the id on the URL.
Method: GET, URL: /invitations, FUNCTION: returns a JSON with all the invitations registered.
Method: POST, URL: /invitations, FUNCTION: receives a body with data of a invitation and creates it on the database.
Method: POST, URL: /invitations/getCurrentInvitationID', FUNCTION: returns a JSON with the current invitation with that id.
Method: PUT, URL: /invitations/:invitationsId', FUNCTION: receives a user and state and returns invitation.
Method: POST, URL: /invitations/getCurrentInvitation', FUNCTION: receives a user and company and returns invitation.
Method: POST, URL: /records', FUNCTION: receives a body with data of a record and creates it on the database.
Method: GET, URL: /records', FUNCTION: returns a JSON with all the records registered.
Method: GET, URL: /records/:company', FUNCTION: receives a company and return record.
Method: POST, URL: /records/getCurrentProject', FUNCTION: receives a finishDate and company and returns record.
Method: POST, URL: /records/getRecordsByProject/:project', FUNCTION: receives a project and returns record.
Method: POST, URL: /estimations/getEstimationsByProjectManagerUsernameAndState', FUNCTION: receives a username and state and returns estimation.
Method: POST, URL: /estimations/getEstimationByPMAndProject', FUNCTION: receives a username and project and returns estimation.
Method: POST, URL: /estimations', FUNCTION: receives a body with data of a estimate and creates it on the database.
TrainingAttempt. DevelopingAttempt.
Method: POST, URL: /trainingAttempt/create', FUNCTION: Creates a new training attempt in the database.
Method: POST, URL: /trainingAttempt/', FUNCTION: Gets all the training attempts based in the state. DevelopingAttempt.
Method: POST, URL: /developingAttempt/create', FUNCTION: Creates a new developing attempt in the database.
Method: POST, URL: /developingAttempt/', FUNCTION: Gets all the developing attempts based in the state.
Method: GET, URL: /read/:id, FUNCTION: returns a JSON with all the received emails by the user with that id
Method: PUT, URL: /updateState/:idEmail, FUNCTION: updates the Email with that id
Method: POST, URL: /send/, FUNCTION: receives a body with data of a just wrote email, and creates it on database
Method: GET, URL: /sent:id, FUNCTION: returns a JSON with all the sent emails by the user with that id