This repository explains how to install a Solace PubSub+ Software Event Broker in various configurations onto Google Compute Engine (GCE) Linux Virtual Machines.
This is a best practice template intended for development and demo purposes. The tested and recommended Solace PubSub+ Software Event Broker version is 9.10.
The Solace PubSub+ Platform's PubSub+ Software Event Broker efficiently streams event-driven information between applications, IoT devices and user interfaces running in cloud, on-premises, and hybrid environments using open APIs and protocols like AMQP, JMS, MQTT, REST and WebSocket. It can be installed into a variety of public and private clouds, PaaS, and on-premises environments, and brokers in multiple locations can be linked together in an event mesh to dynamically share events across the distributed enterprise.
Solace PubSub+ can be deployed in either a three-node High-Availability (HA) group, or as a single-node Standalone deployment. For simple test environments that need only to validate application functionality, a single instance will suffice. Note that in production, or any environment where message loss cannot be tolerated, an HA deployment is required.
Step 1 (Optional): Obtain a reference to the Docker image of the Solace PubSub+ Software Event Broker to be deployed
First, decide which Solace PubSub+ Software Event Broker type and version is suitable to your use case.
Note: You can skip the rest of this step if you're using the default settings. By default this project installs the Standard edition of the Solace PubSub+ Software Event Broker from the latest Docker image available from Docker Hub.
The Docker image reference can be:
A public or accessible private Docker registry repository name with an optional tag. This is the recommended option if using PubSub+ Software Event Broker Standard. The default is to use the latest PubSub+ image available from Docker Hub as
, or use a specific version tag. -
A Docker image download URL
If using Solace PubSub+ Software Event Broker Enterprise Evaluation Edition, go to the Solace Downloads page. For the image reference, copy and use the download URL in the Solace PubSub+ Software Event Broker Enterprise Evaluation Edition Docker Images section.
PubSub+ Software Event Broker Enterprise Evaluation Edition
Docker Image90-day trial version of PubSub+ Enterprise Get URL of Evaluation Docker Image -
If you have purchased a Docker image of Solace PubSub+ Software Event Broker Enterprise, Solace will give you information for how to download the compressed tar archive package from a secure Solace server. Contact Solace Support at [email protected] if you require assistance. You can then host this tar archive together with its MD5 on a file server and use the download URL as the image reference.
The single stand-alone instance requires 1 Compute Engine instance, and the HA deployment requires 3 instances for the Primary, Backup, and Monitor nodes.
Repeat these instructions for all instances required, and follow the specific requirements for HA setup as applicable.
- Go to your Google Cloud Platform console > Compute Engine > VM instances screen and create a Compute Engine instance by clicking on "Create instance".
Tip: For an HA deployment, after the first Compute Engine instance has been created, go to its "VM instance details" by clicking on its name. Then use the "CREATE SIMILAR" button to create a new instance with most of the configuration details that will be described next pre-populated.
Determine the PubSub+ container image resource requirements consulting the System Resource Requirements, adjusted to the targeted System Scaling parameters Maximum Possible Concurrent Client Connections and Maximum Possible Queue Messages.
At a minimum, select standard 2 vCPU machine type, and at least 2 GB of memory, a CentOS 7 OS, and a disk with a size of at least 30 GB deployed on Centos7 OS:
Note: In an HA deployment it's recommended to choose a different availability zone for each node. Also, the Monitor node requires only 1 vCPU and the standard 10 GB of disk space.
It is recommended to assign a network tag to the VM instances, which will make it easier to set up targeted firewall rules - see Step 4. Expand the "Management, security, disks, networking, sole tenancy" dropdown, and select the "Networking" tab:
- If you are configuring three HA nodes, use the Networking tab to edit the Network interfaces panel and customize your IP addresses. You need to pick three available internal IPs.
Tip: Gather all three IP addresses before continuing by trying availability (there is feedback if the entered address is being used by another resource), and designating each one to one of the Primary, Backup, and Monitor nodes.
Take note of the configured IP addresses: <PrimaryIP>
, <BackupIP>
and <MonitorIP>
, as they will be used in subsequent steps.
- Expand the Management tab to expose the "Automation" "Startup script" panel
Cut and paste the following code according to your deployment configuration into the panel, the value of the variable SOLACE_DOCKER_IMAGE_REFERENCE
if required to the reference from Step 1, and replace ADMIN_PASSWORD
with the desired password for the management admin
user and also adjust MAX_CONNECTIONS
as required within the limits of the PubSub+ edition you are using.
Note: For an HA deployment, additional environment variables are required (see the script section "Add here environment variables..." near the beginning), which is discussed below.
# Update following variables as needed:
SOLACE_DOCKER_IMAGE_REFERENCE="solace/solace-pubsub-standard:latest" # Default to pull latest PubSub+ standard from docker hub
ADMIN_PASSWORD="admin-password" # Update to a real password
MAX_CONNECTIONS=100 # Broker system scaling: the maximum supported number of client connections
MAX_QUEUE_MESSAGES_MILLION=100 # Broker system scaling: the maximum number of queue messages, in millions
# Add here environment variables for HA deployment, not required for single-node deployment.
# export ... see next section HA deployment environment variables
if [ ! -d /var/lib/solace ]; then
mkdir /var/lib/solace
cd /var/lib/solace
while [ $LOOP_COUNT -lt 30 ]; do
yum install -y wget || echo "yum not ready, waiting"
if [ 0 != `echo $?` ]; then
if [ ${LOOP_COUNT} == 30 ]; then
echo "`date` ERROR: Failed to download initial install script - exiting"
exit 1
chmod +x /var/lib/solace/
The environment variables are specific to the role of the nodes, i.e. Primary, Backup, and Monitor.
Assuming <PrimaryIP>
, <BackupIP>
and <MonitorIP>
IP addresses for the nodes, depending on the role, here are the environment variables to be added to the beginning of above startup script:
Note: Ensure that you replace the <PrimaryIP>
, <BackupIP>
and <MonitorIP>
values according to your IP addresses settings.
##These are example values for configuring a primary node
export baseroutername=gcevmr
export nodetype=message_routing
export routername=gcevmr0
export configsync_enable=yes
export redundancy_activestandbyrole=primary
export redundancy_enable=yes
export redundancy_group_password=gruyerecheese
export redundancy_group_node_gcevmr0_connectvia=<PrimaryIP>
export redundancy_group_node_gcevmr0_nodetype=message_routing
export redundancy_group_node_gcevmr1_connectvia=<BackupIP>
export redundancy_group_node_gcevmr1_nodetype=message_routing
export redundancy_group_node_gcevmr2_connectvia=<MonitorIP>
export redundancy_group_node_gcevmr2_nodetype=monitoring
export redundancy_matelink_connectvia=<BackupIP>
##These are example values for configuring a backup node
export baseroutername=gcevmr
export nodetype=message_routing
export routername=gcevmr1
export configsync_enable=yes
export redundancy_activestandbyrole=backup
export redundancy_enable=yes
export redundancy_group_password=gruyerecheese
export redundancy_group_node_gcevmr0_connectvia=<PrimaryIP>
export redundancy_group_node_gcevmr0_nodetype=message_routing
export redundancy_group_node_gcevmr1_connectvia=<BackupIP>
export redundancy_group_node_gcevmr1_nodetype=message_routing
export redundancy_group_node_gcevmr2_connectvia=<MonitorIP>
export redundancy_group_node_gcevmr2_nodetype=monitoring
export redundancy_matelink_connectvia=<PrimaryIP>
##These are example values for configuring a monitoring node
export baseroutername=gcevmr
export nodetype=monitoring
export routername=gcevmr2
export redundancy_enable=yes
export redundancy_group_password=gruyerecheese
export redundancy_group_node_gcevmr0_connectvia=<PrimaryIP>
export redundancy_group_node_gcevmr0_nodetype=message_routing
export redundancy_group_node_gcevmr1_connectvia=<BackupIP>
export redundancy_group_node_gcevmr1_nodetype=message_routing
export redundancy_group_node_gcevmr2_connectvia=<MonitorIP>
export redundancy_group_node_gcevmr2_nodetype=monitoring
Now hit the "Create" button at the bottom of this page. This will begin the process of starting the GCE instance, installing Docker, and finally downloading and installing the PubSub+ event broker.
It's possible to access the VM before the entire Solace solution is up. You can monitor /var/lib/solace/install.log
for the following entry: 'date' INFO: Install is complete
to indicate when the installation has completed:
On the Google Cloud Platform console VM instances screen, locate the instance you've just started and wait for its status to become green (running).
In the Connect column, select a way to SSH into the VM and connect to it.
Check the logs:
[test@gcp-qs-test ~]$ sudo su
[root@gcp-qs-test test]# cd /var/lib/solace/
[root@gcp-qs-test solace]# ls
install.log swap
[root@gcp-qs-test solace]# tail -f install.log
Fri Feb 22 19:04:54 UTC 2019 INFO: Start the Solace Message Router
Fri Feb 22 19:04:54 UTC 2019 INFO: Install is complete
As described in the Solace documentation for configuring HA Group it's required to assert the primary event broker’s configuration after a Solace PubSub+ HA redundancy group is configured to support Guaranteed messaging. This can be done through Solace CLI commands as in the documentation or running following commands at the Primary node (replace <ADMIN_PASSWORD>
according to your settings):
# query redundancy status
curl -sS -u admin:<ADMIN_PASSWORD> http://localhost:8080/SEMP -d "<rpc><show><redundancy></redundancy></show></rpc>"
# wait until redundancy is up then execute the assert command:
curl -sS -u admin:<ADMIN_PASSWORD> http://localhost:8080/SEMP -d "<rpc><admin><config-sync><assert-leader><router/></assert-leader></config-sync></admin></rpc>"
Now that the event broker is instantiated, the network security firewall rule needs to be set up to allow access to both the admin application and data traffic. Under the "Networking -> VPC network -> Firewall rules" tab add a new rule to your project exposing the required ports.
Source IP ranges is now a mandatory field, put in
to allow any access or a custom IP range if required.
It is recommended to use the network tag assigned at Step 2a to target your instances vs. targeting "All instances in the network".
For more information on the ports required for the event broker see the configuration defaults. For more information on Google Cloud Platform Firewall rules see Networking and Firewalls.
Note: For troubleshooting, be aware that there may be existing firewall rules with the target "All instances in the network", or otherwise applicable to the VMs you have created, and they will be automatically applied.
It may also be required to allow egress traffic to the Internet for certain use cases. In this case, create an additional rule using similar steps.
Refer to the Management Tools section of the online documentation to learn more about the available tools. The Solace PubSub+ Manager is the recommended way to administer the event broker for common tasks.
The Management IP will be the External IP associated with your GCE instance, and the port will be 8080 by default.
Note: If using the HA deployment, unless specifically required otherwise, use the GCE instance that is in the Active role (this is the Primary node at the initial setup, but can be the Backup node after a failover).
Access the web ssh terminal window by clicking the [ssh] button next to your event broker instance, then launch a Solace CLI session:
$sudo docker exec -it solace /usr/sw/loads/currentload/bin/cli -A
Solace PubSub+ Standard Version
The Solace PubSub+ Standard is proprietary software of
Solace Corporation. By accessing the Solace PubSub+ Standard
you are agreeing to the license terms and conditions located at
Copyright 2004-2018 Solace Corporation. All rights reserved.
To purchase product support, please contact Solace at:
Operating Mode: Message Routing Node
To test data traffic though the newly created event broker instance, visit the Solace Developer Portal and select your preferred programming language to send and receive messages. Under each language there is a Publish/Subscribe tutorial that will help you get started and provide the specific default port to use.
For single-node configuration, the IP to use will be the External IP associated with your GCE instance. For HA deployment the use of Client Host List is required for seamless failover - this will consist of the External IP addresses associated with your Primary and Backup node GCE instances.
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
See the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. - See the LICENSE file for details.
For more information about Solace technology in general please visit these resources:
- The Solace Developer Portal website at:
- Understanding Solace technology
- Ask the Solace community.