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Releases: SolaceProducts/solace-spring-boot


27 Aug 19:43
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Solace Projects

Name Version Notes
Solace Spring Boot BOM 2.2.0
Solace Java Spring Boot Starter 5.2.0
Solace JMS Spring Boot Starter 5.2.0
Solace Spring Boot Starter 2.2.0

Global Changes

  • Upgraded Spring Boot to 3.3.3
  • Upgraded Solace JCSMP to 10.24.1
  • Upgrade Solace JMS to 10.24.1


29 Jul 15:41
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Solace Projects

Name Version Notes
Solace Spring Boot BOM 2.1.1
Solace Java Spring Boot Starter 5.1.1
Solace JMS Spring Boot Starter 5.1.1
Solace Spring Boot Starter 2.1.1

Global Changes

  • Upgraded Spring Boot to 3.3.2

Specific Project Changes

Solace Java Spring Boot Starter

  • Fixed OAuth2 configuration detection to account for different property name formats.
  • Fixed OAuth2 configuration detection to also depend on being set.


18 Jul 20:16
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Solace Projects

Name Version Notes
Solace Spring Boot BOM 2.1.0
Solace Java Spring Boot Starter 5.1.0
Solace JMS Spring Boot Starter 5.1.0
Solace Spring Boot Starter 2.1.0

Global Changes

  • Upgraded Spring Boot to 3.3.1
  • Upgraded Solace JCSMP to 10.22.0
  • Upgraded Solace JMS to 10.22.0

Specific Project Changes

Solace Java Spring Boot Starter

  • Added support for OAuth2 authentication with the Solace PubSub+ Broker


17 May 20:31
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Solace Projects

Name Version Notes
Solace Spring Boot BOM 2.0.0
Solace Java Spring Boot Starter 5.0.0
Solace JMS Spring Boot Starter 5.0.0
Solace Spring Boot Starter 2.0.0
Solace Java CFEnv Removed

Global Changes

  • Minimum version of JDK changed from JDK8 to JDK17 or higher
  • Upgraded Spring Boot to 3.0.6
  • Upgraded Solace JCSMP to 10.20.0
  • Upgraded Solace JMS to 10.20.0
  • Removed Solace Java CFEnv

Specific Project Changes

Solace Java Spring Boot Starter

  • Changed the default value of the reconnectRetries config property to -1 (infinite reconnect attempts) #53
  • Support for Pivotal CF Env removed
  • Removed SpringJCSMPFactoryCloudFactory & SolaceServiceCredentials

Solace JMS Spring Boot Starter

  • Changed Solace JMS dependency to sol-jms-jakarata
  • Changed JMS import statements from javax.jms to jakarta.jms namespace
  • Support for Pivotal CF Env removed
  • Removed SpringSolJmsConnectionFactoryCloudFactory and SpringSolJmsJndiTemplateCloudFactory

Solace Java CFEnv

  • Removed Solace Java CFEnv


16 Feb 20:19
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Solace Projects

Name Version
Solace Spring Boot BOM 1.3.0
Solace Java Spring Boot Starter 4.3.0
Solace JMS Spring Boot Starter 4.3.0
Solace Spring Boot Starter 1.3.0
Solace Java CFEnv 1.3.0

Global Changes

  • Upgraded Spring boot to 2.7.7
  • Upgraded Solace JCSMP to 10.17.0
  • Upgraded Solace JMS to 10.17.0

Specific Project Changes

Solace JMS Spring Boot Starter

  • Added support for new Spring Boot auto-config detection

Solace Java CFEnv

  • Upgraded Pivotal CF Env Boot to 2.4.1
  • Upgraded gson to 2.8.9


01 Apr 22:55
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Solace Projects

Name Version
Solace Spring Boot BOM 1.2.2
Solace Java Spring Boot Starter 4.2.2
Solace JMS Spring Boot Starter 4.2.2
Solace Spring Boot Starter 1.2.2
Solace Java CFEnv 1.2.2

Global Changes

  • Spring Boot upgraded to 2.6.6


11 Mar 22:04
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Solace Projects

Name Version
Solace Spring Boot BOM 1.2.1
Solace Java Spring Boot Starter 4.2.1
Solace JMS Spring Boot Starter 4.2.1
Solace Spring Boot Starter 1.2.1
Solace Java CFEnv 1.2.1

Global Changes

  • Spring Boot upgraded to 2.6.4
  • Solace JCSMP upgraded to 10.13.1
  • Solace JMS upgraded to 10.13.1
  • Solace Services Info upgraded to 0.4.4

Specific Project Changes

Solace Java CFEnv

  • Java CFEnv upgraded to 2.4.0


17 Dec 21:14
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Solace Projects

Name Version
Solace Spring Boot BOM 1.1.1
Solace Java Spring Boot Starter 4.1.1
Solace JMS Spring Boot Starter 4.1.1
Solace Spring Boot Starter 1.1.1
Solace Java CFEnv 1.1.1

Global Changes

  • Solace Services Info upgraded to 0.4.3
  • Force transitive usage of log4j 2.16.0 in projects and samples

Specific Project Changes

Solace Java Spring Boot Starter

  • Fixed config metadata


20 May 18:54
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Solace Projects

Name Version
Solace Spring Boot BOM 1.1.0
Solace Java Spring Boot Starter 4.1.0
Solace JMS Spring Boot Starter 4.1.0
Solace Spring Boot Starter 1.1.0
Solace Java CFEnv 1.1.0

Global Changes

  • Spring Boot upgraded to 2.3.0.RELEASE
  • Java CF-Env upgraded to 2.1.2.RELEASE
  • Solace JCSMP upgraded to 10.8.1
  • Solace JMS upgraded to 10.8.1

Specific Project Changes

Solace Spring Boot Starter, Solace Java Spring Boot Starter, Solace JMS Spring Boot Starter

  • Removed spring-cloud-connectors-core dependency. This was leftover from the version 3.X when these projects were using the Spring Cloud Connector instead of Java CF-Env.


03 Feb 17:37
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Solace Projects

Name Version
Solace Spring Boot BOM 1.0.0 [NEW]
Solace Java Spring Boot Starter 4.0.0
Solace JMS Spring Boot Starter 4.0.0
Solace Spring Boot Starter 1.0.0 [NEW]
Solace Java CFEnv 1.0.0 [NEW]

New Projects

Solace Spring Boot BOM

A new BOM file which contains all top-level Solace Spring Boot projects that depend solely on Spring Boot.

Solace Spring Boot Starter

New Spring Boot Starter that combines both Solace Java Spring Boot Auto-Configuration and Solace JMS Spring Boot Auto-Configuration. Giving you the choice of choosing which API you want to use without needing to switch dependencies.

Solace Java CFEnv

A Solace implementation for Pivotal's Java CFEnv.
Replaces the Solace Spring Cloud Connector which has now been placed into maintenance mode. Read here for more details on why this change was made.

Specific Project Changes

Solace Java Spring Boot Starter

Solace JMS Spring Boot Starter

Spring Boot

Spring Boot upgraded to 2.2.4.RELEASE