- React
- Flask
- Mysql
- Python
- Node.js
- Mysql Server
- Clone the code using git clone https://github.com/SrinivasanSE/Employee_Management
- Navigate to api folder in employee_management
- Run pip install -r requirements.txt to install all the dependencies
- Run python api.py after configuring mysql server.
- In the root folder employee_management, run npm install
- After installing all the necessary packages, run npm start
- In the api folder, there is an example.env file,create a .env file and copy the content from example.env and paste it in .env file and enter your mysql password in MYSQL_PASSWORD
- In the api folder, there is a db.sql file. Execute that script in mysql workbench or mysql command line client. Insert your details in employee_db.
- Anindya Sarkar https://github.com/Anindya666-stn
- Mani Sivaram https://github.com/Maniadarsh
- Rajesh choudhury https://github.com/RAJesh-99
- Priyanka Rout https://github.com/PriyankaRout099
- Srinivasan V https://github.com/SrinivasanSE