Python library for scraping Airbnb listings using the property listing id.
The following data is extracted:
*Number of bathrooms
*number of bedrooms
*Property type
*Property name
*List of amenities.
Clone and Install:
- Clone the project
- Open powershell as admin and --> Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
- Navigate to the scraper directory and run ./setup.ps1 on PowerShell
To use as a tool:
Add the required listing ids on airbnb_listings.json e.g. for add "43523332"
py -m bnbscraper.engine -input ./airbnb_listings.json -destination ./data.json -uid 1 -debug
To use as a library:
Import the module: from bnbscraper.BnbScraper import BnbScraper
Create an instance of the class: scraper = BnbScraper()
Scrape single listing: result = scraper.scrape("43523332") #result is a dictionary
Scrape a list of listings: result = scraper.scrape_list(["33571268","33090114","40558945"]) #result is a list that contains dictionaries
Future Work:
*Unit Testing
*Error Handling
*Explore whether the use of scrapy vs selenium could improve performance.
*Export data to csv