A curated list of amazingly awesome resources. Inspired by the awesome-*
trend on GitHub.
General web development sites, tools, articles and more
- free-for-dev
- Every Programmer Should Know
- Professional Programming
- awesome
- Awesome Checklist Checklist
- Awesome Interviews
- Awesome list of Important Podcasts for software engineers
- Coding Interview University
- Spellbook of Modern Web Dev
- Best websites a programmer should visit
- LibHunt
- DevDocs
- The Top 50 Developer Tools of 2016 | StackShare
- Password Rules Are Bullshit
- Programmer 97-things, Part 2, Part 3
- What technical details should a programmer of a web application consider before making the site public?
- Code Review Best Practices
- Analysis of Coding Conventions
- 10 Common Data Structures Explained with Videos
- A szoftverfejlesztés gyakran elfeledett alapigazságai
- Reddit r/PHP/
- Learn PHP Today
- Tweetsnippet
- the new code
- GitLogs
- cron.weekly
- HackerWeb
- Jetbrains PHP Annotated Monthly
- Trending repositories on GitHub
- Web Development Reading List
- The Full List of 1000 Slack Communities
- Product Hunt
- Weblabor Blogmarkok
- Prog.hu
- IT sziget
- pineapple.io - lots of spam
- UTF-8
- UTF-8 all the way through
- Unicode character table
- The Great Newline Schism
- Unicode, UTF-8
- Ékezetes FAQ webművészek számára
- Rémtörténet a karakterkódolásokról
- Computer Science from the Bottom Up
- Teach Yourself Computer Science
- Why are zero-based arrays the norm?
- How can I sort arrays and data in PHP?
- Algoritmusok és adatszerkezetek I
- Keybase
- Security Guide for Developers
- Web Developer Security Checklist
- Learn to Hack
- SRI Hash Generator
- Web Application Penetration Testing Cheat Sheet
- Regular Expressions - Learn regular expressions in about 55 minutes
- RegExr
- regex101
- Regexper
- Debuggex
- RegexOne - Learn Regular Expressions with simple, interactive exercises.
- Regex Crossword
- Regex Golf
- What are the best programming fonts?
- Top 5 Programming Fonts
- Free Programming Fonts
- Anonymous Pro
- Input: Fonts for Code
- Hack
- Source Code Pro
- FiraCode - Monospaced font with programming ligatures
- Monoid
- Hasklig - a code font with monospaced ligatures
- Interface
- Menlo
- Operator Mono
- Getting Git Right
- Flight rules for git
- Git Hot Tips
- gitignore.io
- Git Radar
- First Aid git
- Git Large File Storage
- git leírás
- GitHub Cheat Sheet - A list of cool features of Git and GitHub.
- Emoji cheat sheet
- GitHub Importer
- Understanding the GitHub Flow
- How we organize GitHub issues: A simple styleguide for tagging
- Github tips
- GistBox - The Beautiful Way to Organize Code Snippets
- Astral - Organize Your Github Stars With Ease
- CyberChef
- ShortcutFoo - Learn Shortcuts. Work Smarter.
- Ratatype
- typing.io - Typing Practice for Programmers
- Typing Master
- We asked 20,000 people who they are and how they’re learning to code
- Algorithms | Khan Academy
- Free Code Camp
- Codecademy
- Code School
- Codecourse
- Forward
- SoloLearn
- Learn Anything
- Refaktor Magazin
- Fejlesztésről, üzemeltetésről, magyarul - CodeBerry Programozó Iskola
- VIK Wiki
- CodeFights
- HackerRank
- Coderbyte | Programming Challenges
- Project Euler - Problems
- Commit
- Programming Puzzles & Code Golf Stack Exchange
- the cryptopals crypto challenges
- XSS game: Level 1
- LeetCode Online Judge
- RankIT
- GitHub Discover gists
- JSFiddle
- scrimba
- Codeshare - Share code in real-time with other developers
- kopy.io
HTML & CSS related things
- CSS-Tricks
- Scrimba
- Codepen posts
- HTML 5.1 - W3C Recommendation, 1 November 2016
- Learn to Code HTML & CSS
- MarkSheet
- Essential Image Optimization
- Front-End Developer Handbook 2017
- Front-end Job Interview Questions
- Front-End Checklist
- Grab Front End Guide
- 30 Seconds of CSS
- frontend.directory
- web-font-loading-recipes
- CSS Reference
- Designer's guide to DPI
- Excess XSS - A comprehensive tutorial on cross-site scripting
- Isobar Front-end Code Standards
- The State of Front-End Tooling 2016
- Google Web Fundamentals
- Magic of CSS
- head Cheat Sheet
- Mastering the :nth-child
- The Image Replacement Museum
- REM vs EM – The Great Debate
- The Elements of HTML
- CSS Selectors browser support
- Structured Data - Google Developers
- WTF, HTML and CSS?
- WTF, forms?
- HTML Reference.io
- Bootstrap 4 Ultimate Guide
- HTML5 Cross Browser Polyfills
- Code Guide by @mdo - Standards for developing flexible, durable, and sustainable HTML and CSS.
- Auto Complete Attribute Will Improve Your Profit (And Forms)
- Spring Into CSS Grid
- A Beginner’s Guide to Pure CSS Images
- Mitől lesz gyors egy weboldal megjelenési sebessége?
- CSS – fps módra
- You-need-to-know-css
- A Visual Guide to CSS3 Flexbox Properties
- The Ultimate Flexbox Cheat Sheet
- Even more about how Flexbox works - explained in big, colorful, animated gifs
- Almost complete guide to flexbox (without flexbox)
- Flexbox Cheatsheet
- [Youtube] What The Flexbox?!
- Typography Cheatsheet
- CSS Typography cheat sheet
- Professional Web Typography
- The State of Web Type
- Get the Balance Right: Responsive Display Text
- Deep dive CSS: font metrics, line-height and vertical-align
- Responsive Web Design Resources
- The Ultimate Responsive Web Design Beginners Resource List
- Responsive Navigation Patterns
- NavNav - 90+ responsive navigation bar menu
- Techniques for Responsive Typography
- Responsive Tables in Pure CSS
- Media Queries - nice examples
- 7 Habits of Highly Effective Media Queries
- Learn Responsive Design | Codecademy
- Get Started with Remote Debugging Android Devices
- Google Search Console - Mobilbarát jelleget vizsgáló teszt
- The W3C Mobile Checker
- mydevice.io - common smartphones and tablets devices values
- DPI love - easily find the DPI/PPI of any screen
- ringmark
- iPhone 6 Screens Demystified
- iOS 8 web apps
- Seven Ways of Centering With CSS
- Absolute Centering - CodePen
- Centering in CSS: A Complete Guide
- How to Center in CSS
- Understanding CSS Grid Systems from the Ground Up
- Easy Responsive CSS Grid Layouts: 4 Methods
- CSS Grid, Flexbox And Box Alignment: Our New System For Web Layout
- Jeet Grid System
- Grid displayer
- PageSpeed Insights
- Accelerated Mobile Pages Project – AMP
- Web Performance Test (TTFB) - load speed test
- Optimize CSS delivery
- How To Poison The Mobile User
- Prebrowsing
- Caching Tutorial
- Need for Speed – How to Improve your Website Performance
- Book of Speed
- A Beginner’s Guide to Website Speed Optimization
- How To Optimize Your Site With HTTP Caching
- Perf.Rocks
- Loading webfonts with high performance on responsive websites
- CDN performance in numbers - CDNperf
- YSlow Rules
- Performance tooling today
- What Every Frontend Developer Should Know About Webpage Rendering
- Web Tracing Framework
- Ludicrously Fast Page Loads - A Guide for Full-Stack Devs
- How to Improve Your YSlow Score
- Optimising the Critical Rendering Path
- CDN’s Love ANAME Records
- Google PageSpeed Insights – Scoring 100/100 with WordPress
- Lighthouse - Lighthouse is an open-source, automated tool for improving the quality of web pages.
- Magyar (mobil)web sebesség
- Magento frontend sebesség gyorsítás és mérése
Popular and less popular frontend frameworks
- CSS Front-end Frameworks with comparison
- Bootstrap - most popular
- Foundation - second most popular
- Tailwind CSS
- Skeleton - dead simple, ~400 lines
- Pure.css - tiny framework (4.0KB) by Yahoo
- mini.css
- Layers CSS
- Semantic UI
- Basscss
- Ionic
- Assets Framework 2.0 - 508 compliant framework
- HTML5 Accessibility
- The Accessibility Project
- Mobile accessibility checklist
- Web Accessibility and Semantic Heading Structures in HTML 5
- Notes on Using ARIA in HTML
- Tenon.io
- Tools for Developing Accessible Websites
- Linting HTML using CSS
- Technikák a WCAG 2.0-hoz
Web font icons
HTML / CSS libraries and components
- Animate.css
- Loading... - animated svgs
- Colors
- Conditionizr - conditionally loading assets
- Animsition
- Hint.css
- Balloon.css
- Glue - command line tool to generate CSS sprites
- Critical - Extract & Inline Critical-path CSS in HTML pages
- SpritePad
- Sprite Cow
- CSSO – CSS optimizer
- Refresh-SF - Online JavaScript/CSS/HTML Compressor
- draGGradients
- Ultimate CSS Gradient Generator
- CSS Gradient Animator
- Formspree - Functional HTML forms
- Simple Sharing Buttons Generator
- The CSS3 :nth-child Calculator
- Nth-Test
- Simple Sharing Buttons Generator
- MicroSoft Edge Browser screenshots
- Quench - Gulp file generator
- Embed Responsively
- Specificity Calculator
- SassMeister
- c^ret
- TestMyCSS
- StyleStats
- @font-face kit generator
- Webfont Generator
- CSS triangle generator
- Blend
- ish. yet another viewport resizer
- Check GZIP compression
- BrowserSync
- Blisk - a browser for web developers
- BreakpointTester
- ScreenQueries
- Multi Screen Test
- Google webfonts helper
- HTML Arrow Symbol
- Smart Quotes for Smart People
- Type Nugget - CSS Typography & Typesetting Tool
- Entity Lookup
- Character Codes
- Loripsum.net
- PostCSS.parts - A searchable catalog of PostCSS plugins
- Pocket Guide to Writing SVG
- A Practical Guide to SVGs on the web
- Everything You Need To Know About SVG
- SVGOMG - SVGO's Missing GUI
- Building Better Interfaces with SVG
- ZorroSVG - The transparency of PNGs for the file size of JPEGs
- SVG tananyag
- Material Design for Bootstrap
- Material Design for Bootstrap 3
- Bootflat
- SB Admin 2
- The anatomy of a Bootstrap dashboard that earns $1,000s each month
- Bootstrap 4: Everything You Need to Know
- Things I've Learned About Sending Email, For Web Designers And Developers
- The Ultimate Guide to Email Image Blocking
- Email Design Reference - MailChimp
- Email-Boilerplate
- iOS Resolution Reference
- The Ultimate Guide to CSS
- Emailology
- EOA Email Development
- Bulletproof email buttons
- Improve your transactional emails with Gmail Inbox Actions
- 822 Emoji for your Newsletter Subject Lines - top 20 emojis by unique senders
- EmojiCopy
- Email marketing – mit, miért, hogyan?
- Making Responsive HTML Email Coding Easy With MJML
- Our Favorite Responsive and Mobile Email Resources
- Responsive Email Patterns
- Cerberus - Patterns for Responsive HTML Email Templates
- Responsive email design
- Responsive Email Templates - ZURB
- How to set the order of stacked columns in a responsive email design
- Paperplane Email Templates 💰
- Premailer
- Litmus - Email Testing and Email Marketing Analytic
- Litmus PutsMail
- Email on Acid - Email Testing & Rendering Tools
- Spam Score Test - PostMark
- Newsletters spam test
- Grunt email design
- Can I use...
- HTML5test
- IE Web Platform Status and Roadmap
- Chromium Platform Status
- How Browsers Work
- Modern.ie Virtual Machine
- Chrome DevTools - Edit Styles
- Discover DevTools
- What's New In DevTools
- Chrome Developer Tools - Code School
- Secrets of the Browser Developer Tools
- Dev Tips
- DevTools Tips
- Chrome Devtools Cheatsheet
- DevTools Snippets
- Awesome ChromeDevTools
- Viewport Resizer
- SimpleFill
- Responsive Web Design Testing Tool
- Dimensions
- CSSPeeper - Smart CSS viewer
- StatCounter Global Stats
- gemiusRanking HU - hungarian stats
Frontend examples, snippets, comparsions
- Google Web Starter Kit
- CSS Protips
- Progress Button Styles
- Compare CSS PREprocessors
- HTML5 Video Player Comparison
- CSS Layout Techniques Deep Dive
- Learn CSS Layout
- Learn CSS Selectors interactively
- Front End Web Development Quiz
- QuizPoint - Quizzes for Web Geeks
- FEDs Slack
- Codecademy
- Magyarországi Web Konferencia
- Laki Ádám
- Prevent body scrolling but allow overlay scrolling
- Completely CSS: Tabs
- Tabs pure CSS
- Very Simple Slider
PHP related guides, sites and articles
- PHP Manual
- PHP: The Right Way
- PHP Best Practices
- TheCodingMachine Best Practices
- Hacking with PHP
- PHP Data Structures and Algorithms
- PHP 7.1: introduction and release cycle
- Upcoming changes in PHP 7.1
- PHP: rfc - current RFCs for PHP
- PHP tips
- PHP Sadness
- URL Encoding
- Best Practices for Designing a Pragmatic RESTful API
- Migrating from PHP 5.5.x to PHP 5.6.x - New features
- PHP: Supported Versions
- Programming guidelines - Part 1: Reducing complexity
- Upgrade Guide: Facebook PHP SDK v4.0 to v5
- Anonymous Classes With PHP
- PHP's OPCache extension review
- Introduction To PHP 7: What's New And What's Gone
- Interpreted Languages
- Hashphp.org
- MySQL, PHP and Timezones
- What is the difference between URL Router and Dispatcher?
- Reference - What does this symbol mean in PHP?
- Type-hint all the things!
- ELTE Prognyelvek porták: A PHP programozási nyelv
- PHP jelentősebb változásai napjainkig - Kezdetektől a trait-ekig
Kezdő bakik: web 1x1HU
Popular PHP frameworks
Components for Laravel
- Laravel Debugbar
- Laravel IDE Helper
- Guzzle
- Laravel Socialite
- Laravel Collective
- Laravel Translatable
- Laravel Debugbar
- Laravel 5 log viewer
- Laravel backup
- Laravel Fractal
- Spatie's Laravel packages
- Laracogs
Laravel tutorials, articles, snippets, books and examples
- Laravel 5.1 LTS Cheat Sheet
- Laravel Best Practices
- New Features in Laravel 5.0
- New Features in Laravel 5.1
- Watch videos from Laracon US 2017
- murze.be articles
- CLI progress bars in Laravel
- Laravel 5 package development
- Laravel – querying any level far relations with simple trick
- Laravel pagination with grouping and eager loading
- Start testing your Laravel application today
- Laravel 5.1 Beauty
- Creating a password-less, Medium-style, email-only authentication system in Laravel
- Laravel 5 socialite with Facebook integration
- Register Form Macros Easily in Laravel 5
- 50 Laravel Tricks in 50 Minutes
- What Are Laravel 5.0 Facades?
- Laravel Tips
- Laravel relationships cheatsheet
- The Ultimate Guide to Sending Email in Laravel
- Why Laravel Is Slow
- Laravel 5.4 From Scratch
- Laravel 5 Autoloader
- Learning Laravel 5 Building Practical Applications - book
- Enhancing Envoy Deployment
- Laravel Development using PhpStorm
- Controller és middleware a két jóbarát
- Laracasts
- Performant Laravel
- Laracon.eu playlists
- Diving Laravel
- Laravel News
- Laravel-Tricks
- Laravel Announcements
- Laravel Support Tables
- Laravel.io Forum
- Laravel.hu
- Laracademy
- Laravel Daily Blog
- Laravel Gurus
- LaraVer{x.y.z}
- murze.be
- Laracon Online
- Laravel Hungary Meetup
- Laravel 5.3 magyar dokumentáció
- Larachat - Slack channel
- Laravel Hungary Slack
- Laravel Schema Designer
- Codecourse - Laravel 💰
PHP packages and libraries
- Arsenal - Cartalyst - Framework agnostic composer packages for developers
- Intervention Image - PHP image handling and manipulation library
- Imagine - PHP 5.3 Object Oriented image manipulation library
- The League of Extraordinary Packages
- Cartalyst
- Webiny Framework
- HTML Purifier
- Munee - Standalone PHP 5.3 Asset Optimisation & Manipulation
- Mobile Detect - The lightweight PHP class for detecting mobile devices (including tablets)
- htmLawed - PHP code to purify & filter HTML
- libphonenumber for PHP - PHP version of Google's phone number handling library
- WordPress on PHP 7.1
- WPScan Vulnerability Database
- GenerateWP
- Roots
- WP Test
- hookr.io - The WordPress Hook/API Index
- WordPress SEO Checklist – 45 Tips for 2017
- Scaling and Securing WordPress
- A tökéletes WordPress fejlesztői környezet
- Yahoo Weather
- The Dark Sky Forecast API
- GeoNames
- Open Exchange Rates
- REST Countries
- WebAppSec/Secure Coding Guidelines
- Detectify
- Making PHP sessions secure
- The Comprehensive Guide to URL Parameter Encryption in PHP
- Survive The Deep End: PHP Security
- Authentication Cheat Sheet - OWASP
- Salted Password Hashing - Doing it Right
- Exploiting PHP File Inclusion – Overview
- What is the best way to implement “remember me” for a website?
- Portable PHP password hashing framework
- Secure Coding Guidelines
- SQRL Secure Quick Reliable Login
- Exploitable PHP functions
- Vault by HashiCorp
- Phabricator
- Blackfire
- Detectify
- IP Address Details
- Codeception - Modern PHP testing for everyone.
- RIPS - A static source code analyser for vulnerabilities in PHP scripts
- Strftime
- PHP strtotime Testing Tool
- XAMPP version history
- Running ImageMagick on XAMPP 1.8.3 with Windows 7
- Installing and Configuring XAMPP with PhpStorm
- SQLBolt - Learn SQL with simple, interactive exercises.
- Managing Hierarchical Data in MySQL
- What are the options for storing hierarchical data in a relational database?
- (The only proper) PDO tutorial
- Use the index, Luke
- A Visual Explanation of SQL Joins
- A Tiny Intro to Database Systems
- What Is New in MySQL 5.7
- The SQL Injection Knowledge Base
- How to support full Unicode in MySQL databases
- Khan Academy: Intro to SQL: Querying and managing data
- What's the difference between utf8_general_ci and utf8_unicode_ci
- How (not) to kill your MySQL infrastructure
- MySQL Index
- Triggerek használata MySQL-ben
- Folyamatos működés a MySQL világában
- Siki Zoltán: Adatbáziskezelés és tervezés
- HeidiSQL
- SQL Notebook
- Robomongo
- Neor Profile SQL
- dbv.php
- sqlmap
- Skipper - Perfect ORM Definitions in a few seconds
- BigDump - Staggered MySQL Dump Importer
JavaScript related guides, articles, tutorials
- JS: The Right Way
- The Modern Javascript Tutorial
- Eloquent JavaScript
- JavaScript Allongé, the "Six" Edition
- Speaking JavaScript
- A re-introduction to JavaScript
- JavaScript Garden
- You Don't Know JS
- Here are examples of everything new in ECMAScript 2016, 2017, and 2018
- Learn Javascript
- Human JavaScript
- Essential JavaScript Links
- JavaScript Patterns
- Basic JavaScript for the impatient programmer
- Learning Advanced JavaScript
- all this
- 30 seconds of code - Curated collection of useful JavaScript snippets that you can understand in 30 seconds or less.
- The State Of JavaScript 2016
- JS features
- JS Comparison Table
- JavaScript best practices
- JavaScript Best Practices Part 1
- 45 Useful JavaScript Tips, Tricks and Best Practices
- 5 Array Methods That You Should Be Using Now
- Script-injected "async scripts" considered harmful
- SurviveJS - Learn Webpack and React
- JS tips
- JS Parse and Execution Time
- A Drip of JavaScript
- JavaScript Events Tutorial
- JavaScript Debugging for Beginners
- Immediately-invoked function expression
- Angular 2 versus React: There Will Be Blood
- Detecting Scroll Position
- Angular Basics by ScriptyBooks
- The JavaScript World Domination
- How it feels to learn JavaScript in 2016
- JavaScript Patterns for 2017 - Scott Allen
- A Javascript programozási nyelv
- JavaScript debuggolás 1. rész
- JavaScript debuggolás 2. rész
- JavaScript függvények
- Objektumorientált programozás JavaScriptben
- Objektumorientált JavaScript programozás a felszín alatt
- A JavaScript, a click esemény, és a buborékozás
- Néhány JavaScript best practice egy egyszerű időzítőn keresztül
- JavaScript 30 - Build 30 things with vanilla JS in 30 days with 30 tutorials
- Code School - Javascript Roadtrip
- JavaScript | Codecademy
- Level Up Tutorials
- Top JavaScript Frameworks & Topics to Learn in 2017
- ntro to JS: Drawing & Animation
- egghead.io
- Webfejlesztés 2.
- A Javascript programozási nyelv - Prognyelvek portál
- 5 Typical JavaScript Interview Exercises
- 5 More JavaScript Interview Exercises
- 25 Essential JavaScript Interview Questions
- Javascript Puzzlers
- 15 Essential jQuery Interview Questions
- Problémás JavaScript fejlesztői interjú kérdések
- JavaScripting
- Awesome JavaScript
- The best of JavaScript, HTML, CSS
- Vanilla List - The Vanilla Javascript Repository
- plainJS
- Unheap
- You might not need jQuery
- JavascriptOO
- JavaScript Graphing Library Comparison
- 2016 JavaScript Rising Stars
- Vanilla List - The Vanilla Javascript Repository
- Nightmare
- Feature.js - feature detection library in 1kb
- Sprint.js - a tiny, lightning fast jQuery-like library
- Paper.js - vector graphics scripting framework
- jsTimezoneDetect
- jQuery - write less, do more
- Awesome jQuery
- Try jQuery
- jQuery Learning Center
- jQuery file size
- jQuery Fundamentals
- jQuery Coding Standards & Best Practices
- You Might Not Need jQuery
- jQuery Boilerplate
- jQuery Cheatsheet
- FireQuery
- jQuery Succinctly
- jQuery Howto
- 11 Things You Might Not Know About jQuery
- jQuery Selectors and Filters
- Fixing These jQuery
- Few Tricks to Improve Jquery Performance
- How to Create One-Time Events in JavaScript
- How to Use jQuery’s $.ajax() Function
- 18 Surprises From Reading jQuery’s Source Code
- An Introduction to jQuery’s Shorthand Ajax Methods
- Simple Long Polling Example with JavaScript and jQuery
- Supersonic JavaScript
- The Mystery Of The jQuery Object: A Basic Introduction
- [Video] Dos and Don'ts in JavaScript: A few best practices for when you're learning the language
- jQuery plugin készítés alapjai
- Formstone
- DropzoneJS - drag’n’drop file uploads with image previews
- simpleWeather
- Remodal
- jQuery.fontFlex
- Chartist - simple responsive charts
- timeago
- nanobar - Very lightweight progress bars.
- SweetAlert - An awesome replacement for JavaScript's alert.
- PNotify - Beautiful JavaScript notifications.
- Holder.js
- Masked Input
- The Final Countdown - A simple and html agnostic date countdown plugin for jQuery
- Stupid jQuery Table Sort - small and simple jQuery table sorter plugin
- Select2 - The jQuery replacement for select boxes
- PhotoSwipe
- Magnific Popup
- Swipebox
- fancyBox - CC BY-NC 3.0 license!
- Parsley - the ultimate JavaScript form validation library
- iCheck
- noUiSlider - range slider
- rangeslider.js
- International Telephone Input
- DataTables
- Countable
- Inputmask
- Masked Input Plugin
- jQuery Mask Plugin
- Awesome Bootstrap Checkbox
- Bootstrap Switch
- Bootstrap-select
- Bootstrap FileStyle
- X-editable
- Bootbox.js - Bootstrap modals made easy.
- jQuery Sortable - A flexible, opinionated sorting plugin for jQuery
- Sortable
- $0 Design Tools to Help You Create Your Next Project
- Mobile Design Best Practices
- A Primer on Bézier Curves
- The New Generation of Prototyping Tools (Part 2/2)
- The Wireframe Perfectionist’s Guide
- Pixel Density, Demystified
- Hogyan segítsd a fejlesztőt 2.
- Photoshop Etiquette
- WebGradients - a free collection of 180 linear gradients
- Your Body Text Is Too Small
- On snot and fonts / Luc Devroye
- Low-hanging design fruit: why you should use Google Font Superfamilies
Articles and tools related to user experience.
- UX Project Checklist
- The 10 Commandments of Good Form Design on the Web
- Designing a landing page that sells
- Absolute vs. Relative Timestamps: When to Use Which
- The Best UX/UI Designer Tools, Resources, Blogs & Books Collection
- Date-Input Form Fields: UX Design Guidelines
- The Current State of Homepage & Category UX
- Tools for UX and CRO: The Ultimate Guide for 2017
- I totally forgot about print style sheets
- Microcopy Patterns
- Little Big Details
- Fokozd a webshopod vásárlási élményét
- A cégvezetők ezt az 5 dolgot értik félre a designnal kapcsolatban
- Design Better Forms - Common mistakes designers make and how to fix them
- 7 Web Form Optimization Insights from Testing Hundreds of Forms
- You Know What? Fuck Drop Downs.
Linux related articles and tools
- Letix
- Oliver | An Introduction to Unix
- Bash Guide for Beginners
- LPI Linux Certification
- Server Naming Schemes
- A Proper Server Naming Scheme
- htop explained
- PHP 7.0 (and 5.6) on Ubuntu
- Choosing an HTTP Status Code
- screen keyboard shortcuts
- Raymii.org - linux related articles
- Add a DMARC record - Prevent outgoing spam with DMARC
- Linux tricks
- Linux parancsok, kezdőknek
- EKOP Rendszergazdai tankönyvek
- A DNS működése
- DNS - elv és konfiguráció
- Egyszerű email-szerver építése
- SzitWiki
- Gyakorló feladatok - UNIX
- Email with Postfix, Dovecot, and MySQL
- How to set up a mail server on a GNU / Linux system
- A Mailserver on Ubuntu 16.04: Postfix, Dovecot, MySQL
- How to Send Email Like a Startup
- NGINX reverse proxy in front of Apache
- Copying Files
- rsync - exclude files and folders
- The Perfect Server - Ubuntu 16.04 - set up Ubuntu 16.04 server with ISPConfig 3.1
- Samba File Server
- How To Use Find and Locate to Search for Files on a Linux
- Everything you need to know about HTTP security headers
- Content Security Policy Reference
- What permissions should my website files/folders have on a Linux webserver?
- Are You Prepared Against A Hack?
- Beyond Permissions: Linux ACLs
- pure bash bible
- ShellCheck - Online shell script analyzer
- explainshell
- showterm
- asciinema
- .bashrc PS1 generator
- Command line challenge
- Servers for Hackers
- Introduction to DevOps: Transforming and Improving Operations | edX
- Linux Akadémia
- Netacademia / ITFactory - Ingyenes Hálózatbiztonsági alapozó
- intoDNS
- DNS - zzzz
- DNS Spy
- DNS Inspect
- March 2016 DNS Speed Comparison Report
- ICANN-Accredited Registrars
- IANA — Root Zone Database
- How to host your DNS with FastMail
- Reverse DNS: The Secret Behind Email Marketing Deliverability
- Market overview: Domain services for developers
- Get single-emoji domains, such as http://💸.ga, for free
- Expired Domains.net
- EURid Whois
- Google Public DNS
- Certbot
- Is TLS Fast Yet?
- Qualys SSL Labs - SSL Server Test
- Strong SSL Security on nginx
- Analyzing HTTPS Performance Overhead
- HTTPS: Fundamentals and Performance Impact
- How To Secure Nginx with Let's Encrypt on Ubuntu 16.04
- How's My SSL?
- SSL Certificate Checker
- Best nginx configuration for improved security (and performance)
- Nginx Tuning For Best Performance
- How to Configure Nginx for Optimized Performance
- High Performance Browser Networking
- HTTP/2 Frequently Asked Questions
- NGINX SSL Performance
- Testing Performance
- Nginx Caching
- Apache vagy Nginx: gyakorlati szempontok
- A vim Tutorial and Primer
- How to boost your Vim productivity
- VimAwesome
- Best of Vim Tips
- A Good Vimrc
- VimGenius
- Learn Vimscript the Hard Way
- VIM Adventures
- VimGolf
- Vim: hatékonyság mindenekfelett!
- Practical Tmux
- 10 Killer Tmux Tips
- Intro to Tmux
- A Gentle Introduction to tmux
- tmux & screen cheat-sheet
- GraphicsMagick - ImageMagick fork
- Cool, but obscure unix tools
- ImageOptim-CLI
- pageres
- Directory Lister
- Apaxy
- speedtest-cli
- Vesta Control Panel
- Lychee - photo management
- Tails - the amnesic incognito live system
- Sysdig
- Ubuntu Packages Search
- Message header analyzer
- Custom PuTTY Color Themes
- crontab.guru
- MailCatcher
- kitty - kitty themes
- The complete IP check for sending Mailservers
- SenderBase - The world's largest Email and Web traffic monitoring network
- Barracuda IP / Domain Lookups
- Symantec IP Reputation Investigation
- dnswl.org - the leading email whitelist, also called DNS whitelist (DNSWL)
- Google Postmaster Tools
- Sender Score - check sender reputation
Search engine optimization articles and recommendations
- Infinite scroll search-friendly recommendations
- Notes on Filtering Spam and Bots from Google Analytics
- Definitive Guide to Removing All Google Analytics Spam
- Keyword Research for SEO: The Definitive Guide (2017 Update)
- Alt-texts: The Ultimate Guide
- Search Engine Ranking Factors 2015 (Moz)
- Google’s 200 Ranking Factors: The Complete List
- Kulcsszókutatás: webáruházad keresőoptimalizálásának alapja
- 9 ok, amiért lepattannak weboldaladról a látogatók
- Keresőoptimalizálás árak: mennyi és miért annyi?
- Kulcsszókutatás: útmutató a kulcszókereséshez
- Web akadálymentesítés és SEO
- Vary SEO tool
- Algoroo - Google algorithm tracking tool
- Search Console - URL feltérképezése
- #1 Keyword Tool by cognitiveSEO - keyword explorer & content optimization
- SEMrush
- Ahrefs
- Serpfox
- Xenu's Link Sleuth - find broken links on web sites
- Keyword Tool - Get 750+ Google Keyword Suggestions For Free
- SEOceros
- Jankate
- Google büntetés ellenőrző - SEO SiteCheckup
- Screaming Frog SEO Spider
- 15 Incredible Facebook Ad Tools We Love
- Email Subject Lines: 5 Tips to Attract Readers
- A címsorok varázsa
- Facebook ad preferences
- IAB Display Advertising Guidelines
- Adatvezérelt online marketing blog
- Gleam - Marketing apps designed to help you grow your business
- Sticker Mule
- Miért nem jutnak célba marketing emailjei elég jó arányban, és miért landolnak a promóciók fülön vagy a spam mappában?
- Viselkedés modell
- Pakkot kaptam
- Üzleti kommunikációs csel 5 lépésben
- 67 módszer: hogyan növelheted a konverziót kognitív torzulásokkal
- Pricing Psychology: A Gigantic List of Strategies
- 7 fantasztikus árazási szabály
- Vásárlóid kétharmada többet fizet, ha ezt a 4 dolgot jól csinálod
- Email Marketing Best Practices
- How to Send Email Like a Startup
- Growbots - best time to send email
- Freenom - free .tk, .ml, .ga, .cf, .gq domain registration
- Domainr
- Instant Domain Search
- Domain Name Generator For Perfectionists
- DomainHack.Me
- Namebird
- TLD List
- domcomp
- 2 letter Domain Names
- Launchaco
- Online Katapult
- Online Katapult LIVE
- Marketinginnovátor Megoldások
- OMA - megrendelés kapcsolat kártyával
- BugTV
- Kutatás: Emailezési és email marketing szokások
- Vendégpénztár kontra regisztráció – melyiket válasszuk?
- Google Analytics Demos & Tools
- Scroll Depth
- Google Analytics User Permissions Exploring Tool
- Top 15 Enhanced Ecommerce Implementation Best Practices and Tips
- Google Analytics: Using Goals, Funnels to Improve Conversions
- Ecommerce Tracking
- Google Analytics Configuration Guide
- The Ultimate List of Google Analytics Certification Resources (Updated 2017)
- Google Analytics Solutions Gallery
- Campaign URL Builder
- Webanalitika kalauz III.
- Webshop konverziós ráta: optimalizálás és tévhitek
- Google Analytics - Egyéni kampányok
- Hogyan használjuk a Google Analyticset több domain méréséhez?
- Matomo - Analytics alternative
- The Secrets of AdWords CTR in 5 Charts
- Google AdWords Editor
- A Google találati lista átalakulása
- Inside AdWords Magyarország
- Google Adwords Súgó
- Google Ad Grants - szervezeteknek
- Google scraping: így gyűjtsd le az összes kapcsolódó kulcsszót és keresési kifejezést
- Gupshup
- QR Code Generator
- Omni Calculator
- Time.is
- MailDrop
- Sodaphonic - online audio editor
- Infogram - infographics and charts
- Validator.pizza - block disposable emails
- Seo Panel
- Shout - The self-hosted web IRC client
- Pawnmail - Email hosting for custom domains
- Gemfury - Private RubyGem, npm, Composer, PyPI Repository
- Saas 1000 - top SaaS companies
- Low End Box
- Webfaction
- fortrabbit
- A2 Hosting
- Hyper.sh - docker hosting
- NearlyFreeSpeech
- Digital Ocean
- Linode
- Time4VPS
- SSD Nodes
- Vultr
- VPSDime - high storage / high memory
- Waveride - Vienna
- Amazon AWS - Frankfurt region!
- RamNode
- Aruba Cloud - cheap
- Dply - create a cloud server FREE for 2 hours
- Selectel
- Vexxhost - Canada
- transIP
- Kimsufi
- Afterburst
- BuyVM
- Kyup - scalable cloud hosting on Linux containers
- ServerHub
- Funtoo Containers - cheap Gentoo
- Manifold - a place to find, buy, and manage cloud services.
- Trello (addons: Butler for Trello)
- Taiga
- Teamweek
- A web whiteboard
- UFr.ee
- CoSchedule
- AddEvent - an Add to Calendar button
- tlk.io - A simple web chat
- Cisco Spark - meeting notes
- GoToMeeting
- Screenhero
- Blackfire - Continuous PHP Performance Testing
- Kitestring
- Change.org
- Zencastr
- Google Cloud Print
- Sticker Mule
- Rentalcars.com
- Scribd
- Google Flights
- Skyscanner
- NetPincér
- zsibvásár
- BikeSage
- Országos kerékpár regisztráció
Other tools and articles
- Why use www?
- Lists of Hosts and Their Email Sending Limits
- GIF Maker
- ';--have i been pwned?
- Google runs on 5000 times more code than the space shuttle
- Cachet - status page system
- What browser am I using?
- Google Postmaster Tools
- Google Message Header
- How to Remove Your IP Address from Gmail’s Blacklist
- Why has Gmail blocked my messages?
- Duolingo
- English Language & Usage
- Simple English Wikipedia
- Verb Tense Tutorial
- 50 000+ Free ESL, EFL worksheets
- Gyűjtőnevek az angol nyelvben
- New English File hanganyag
- IELTS nyelvvizsga
- beszeljangolul.com
- Don't Panic Angol
- Az 1000 leggyakoribb angol szó
- Angol tematikus szószedet
- 200 mintamondat hivatalos angol levelezéshez
Productivity articles, tips and tools
- How I implemented the EU cookie law
- Cookie Consent - The most popular solution to the EU Cookie Law.
- EU adatvédelmi eltávolítás - eltávolítás a keresési találatlistáról
- Mi a helyzet cookie-ügyben?
- Súlyos bírságot kaphatnak azok a cégek, akik erre nem figyelnek
- e-kereskedelmi szabályok - TinEye Reverse Image Search
- Holló & Társai Ügyvédi Iroda
- OrmosNet
- How I Work - Taylor Otwell
- Hola DNA
- How to conduct a good Programming Interview
- 10 Typical HTML Interview Exercises
- Graphs Interview Questions
- Not An Imposter: Fighting Front-End Fatigue
- Interview Questions and Exercises About CSS
- CodeHalf
- Cost of living
- musicForProgramming
- An opinionated guide to writing developer resumes in 2017
- Gainlo - Mock Interview With Professionals
- Desk Hunt
- Gmail Meter
- Ask HN: What do you do when you've lost motivation at work?
- Ask HN: What's your working day like?
- Ask HN: What do you use to align your daily todos with your long term goals?
- Ask HN: What habits make a programmer great?
- How to Go From Hobbyist to Professional Developer
- HackerRank 2018 Developer Skills Report
- invoicetemplate.co - 100% free invoicing software
- Big Fish - PHP Developer
- SMarthu – Kreatív Közösképviselet
- Mennyi az annyi?
- Professzionális Kivándorlási Kézikönyv London 2007 - Hogyan kezdtem programozni
- 6,000 freelancers talk about money, happiness, and their hopes for the future
- Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2017
- The State of Developer Ecosystem 2017
- End Down
- Yummber. Élt 20 hónapot. Rest in peace.