I regularly check for issues / PR and such.
- Include manlyScroll.min.js and manlyScroll.min.css in your header
- Give your infiniteScrolling Element the id 'infinite-scroll'
- Give your Paginator the class 'pagination'
- Give your next button of your paginator the class 'next'
Than it works automaticly.
and so on. Your HTML of your search page should look like this:
<div id="infinite-scroll">
content (which also will be ajax called)
<ul class="pagination">
<li class="next">
<a href="...">Next</a>
- It is not important where the pagination is, it will be hidden anyways
- It is important that infinite-scroll id, pagination and next classes are given
- It is not important what kind of elements they are. ul, div, span, if you are funny p or maybe even br (please let me know when you achieve a ux friendly pagination with using < br />)
- Ready to use under 2 minutes. Stopwatch it mate!
- No knowledge in Ugandan vodoo magic or virgin blood required like in similar projects (Or god forbid... Time needed to read 40 Pages of documentation for implementation of a simple feature...)
- Fulfills all standard use cases for pagination and scroll scenarios
- No Bullshit included. One purpose, one tool.
- Even my mom achieved to implement it...
- OpenSource and well supported by me. You want a feature / have any improvement ideas. Fork it or write it!
You ever wanted to add a very simple feature like infinite scrolling, don't want to enlarge your project with jquery or a "easy to use" framework with 40+ Pages of documentation and features like finding cure to cancer while infinite scrolling?
Sorry mate, I don't have the time for that between my oil wrestling sessions with bears and sparring with north american crocodiles!
So... the solution? Time to call the manlyhandyman!
He is not sexy, he doesn't exactly smell good, he also doesn't really behave like a gentelman. But damn he is your pick when the job has to be done.
ManlyScroll is reliable
ManlyScroll is not complicated
ManlyScroll doesn't talk, ManlyScroll does his job
This project was coded after repairing my motorcycle, chopping wood with an axe and only listening to best of hard rock classics.