The major enhancement in this version are the ability for StraboSpot to host the map-tiles which improves user experience and app reliability. Additional features were added (e.g Data page and General Rig addition) to support the different categories geological exploration and experimentation.
Data: added csv import and table modal for web & to view-only for mobile (dedad4b)
Micro: added updated KOBO forms and added General Rig btn (aaff121)
Sed: Automatically toggle on the Sed Lithologies tab if navigating to that page (0838412)
Sed: Added conditions for when interval geometry is recalculated (267cb6a)
Tag: Add list of minerals to tag in list (5cdb125)
- Maps
- Zip file download complete (454a448)
- Added unzip (607c640)
- Remove offline map working (c3b282c)
- Added error check to filetransfer (157ead2)
- Added permission check for Android (3674b72)
- re-enabled cordovaFileTransfer (13ff61b)
- Added progress meter for unzip (74bc616)
- Added Macrostrat to default basemaps (211f3c1)
- Maps
- Ionic: ionic dependencies upgrade (ca3dd42)
- Micro: Use Exp instead of Rig (905986a)
- Misc: commented out code to generate random spots (b46c20c)
- Other Features: Other Features: added close button (75a0953)
- Removed Golden Layout lib (unused) (0127885)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed config files (a45948a)