React component to embed Hype.Day project registration into your website.
You can test the library on:
Run npm run dev
to start Vite in development mode. main.tsx
and App.tsx
are only for development purposes. The bundle entry point is lib/HypeDayReact.tsx
To install:
npm i github:StudioThree/hypeday-react#v0.1.1
Or with yarn:
yarn add
import HypeDayReact from "hypeday-react";
import "hypeday-react/dist/style.css";
appId="YOUR_APP_ID" // required, you can request this from Hype.Day
projectId="OqdTSUuzrCIbapvSQWbL" // required, Hype.Day project ID
apiKey="YOUR_API_KEY" // required, you can request this from Hype.Day
userToken="JWT_TOKEN_OF_THE_USER" // required if apiKey is not provided, JWT token of the user
message: string,
eventCode: string,
data: { [key: string]: string | number | boolean | undefined }
) {
console.log(message, eventCode, data);
message: string,
eventCode: string,
data: { [key: string]: string | number | boolean | undefined }
) {
console.log(message, eventCode, data);
error(message: string, eventCode: string, error: unknown) {
console.log(message, eventCode, error);
}} // optional, logger object with info, warning, and error methods.
// These methods will be called with 3 parameters: message, eventCode, and data/error.
Token algo should be an ES256
Token payload format (see for details):
iss: "",
aud: "",
sub: "testuserid",
exp: Math.floor( / 1000) + 60 * 60 * 24 * 10,
// email is optional
email: "[email protected]",
// wallets is optional, key must be one of these and should match the project's chain:
// ethereum, polygon, avalanche, solana, flow
wallets: { ethereum: "0x69E5F8349D18930f99432612eCC10E9A7B8Fb3B2" }
To get the project id go to and create a project. The project id will be in the url once you click "Create my Project" button. For instance vy6kki7aU5EBZf5GC8pf in is the project id. It is unique for each project.
To override the default styles, you can inject your own CSS after importing the css file. See style.css for the default styles.