This repository implements the Ford Fulkerson algorithm to calculate maximum flow in a network. The Maximum flow algorithm extended for finding the maximum matching of a bipartite graph efficiently.
Group 24:
- Kunal Verma - 2017A7PS0120H
- Kushagra Srivastava - 2017A7PS0146H
- Sandesh Thakar - 2017A7PS0181H
- Ekanshi Agrawal - 2017A7PS0233H
Find all the documentation pages from html/index.html. For discussions and results, check out the Related Pages tab on the top in the documentation pages.
Max-Flow Min-Cut:
- Navigate to
Maximum Flow and Minimum Cut/
- run
command - run
Bipartite Matching:
- Navigate to
Maximum Matching/
- run
command - run