v2016.3.1 for ReSharper 2016.3
Please install from the Extension Manager (ReSharper → Extension Manager)
- Fix crash if the file doesn't have a header (StyleCop/StyleCop#78)
- Support ReSharper 2016.3
From 2016.2.1:
- Removed nunit pattern from file layout. During code cleanup, ReSharper would rearrange nunit classes in a manner that StyleCop will complain about (setup/teardown methods first, then type members, then test methods)
From 2016.2.0:
- Updated to ReSharper 2016.2 (StyleCop/StyleCop#55)
From 2016.1.4:
- Create SuppressMessage attribute parameters more reliably
- Works properly if StyleCop 4.7.49 is already loaded in Visual Studio
From 2016.1.3:
- Better version number reporting on the Options page
From 2016.1.2:
- Updated to StyleCop 4.7.54 (StyleCop/StyleCop#52)
From 2016.1.1:
- Suppress message quick fix available again (StyleCop/StyleCop#59)
- Fix duplicate warning tooltips (StyleCop/StyleCop#34)
- Fix insert header documentation quick fix (StyleCop/StyleCop#57)
- Disable inspection warnings with ReSharper comments (StyleCop/StyleCop#60)
- Don't add trailing space after last comma on line (StyleCop/StyleCop#25)
- Display StyleCop parse errors
- Display StyleCop.dll version in plugin options page
- Support for ReSharper 2016.1 (StyleCop/StyleCop#47)
- Fix to allow filtering by StyleCop issues in code inspection window (StyleCop/StyleCop#37)
- Fix error messages in installer (StyleCop/StyleCop#32)
- Fix to stop code cleanup opening unedited files (StyleCop/StyleCop#27)
- Automatically disable analysis if StyleCop.Analyzers is referenced in VS2015 (StyleCop/StyleCop#20)
- Supports loading custom StyleCop addins. Specify location in settings (StyleCop/StyleCop#18)
- Fix duplication of constructor summary XML doc element in Code Cleanup (StyleCop/StyleCop#17)
- StyleCop issues now grouped under "StyleCop" in Inspection Results (StyleCop/StyleCop#16)
- Separate Code Cleanup option to create XML doc stubs (StyleCop/StyleCop#15)
- Not honouring settings when adjusting file header in Code Cleanup (StyleCop/StyleCop#14)
For more details, see the README.md.