A thin CLI wrapper around bcrypt-ruby, and then a thin PHP wrapper around that.
# procure
git clone git://github.com/pda/bcryphby.git
bundle install # bcrypt-ruby, rspec
rake spec
# wield
ruby bcrypt-cli hash blarg # $2a$10$w8Y4...
ruby bcrypt-cli compare '$2a$10$w8Y4...' blarg # true
ruby bcrypt-cli compare '$2a$10$w8Y4...' meh # false
# mash into PHP
$hash = Bcrypt::hash('test'); // string(60) "$2a$10$HdyP..."
Bcrypt::compare($hash, 'wrong'); // bool(false)
Bcrypt::compare($hash, 'test'); // bool(true)
(You might need -rubygems on those ruby commands...)
During transition of a project from PHP to Ruby, I need to create new user accounts using decent password hashing that will not be regretted later. Bcrypt rocks. PHP doesn't.
I've taken a beautiful Ruby gem, trapped it in a mediocre CLI wrapper, and then wrapped that in horrible PHP. It deserves a bad name.
The short answer is no. The long answer involves version numbers and unofficial "security" patches. The medium answer is that it doesn't support it in my transitional production environment.
ruby CLI interface to bcrypt-ruby
the hash command
outputs a string
outputs a string with valid prefix
outputs a string of the correct length
the compare command
outputs true for valid comparison
outputs false for invalid comparison
php CLI interface to bcrypt-ruby
the hash command
outputs a string
outputs a string with valid prefix
outputs a string of the correct length
the compare command
outputs true for valid comparison
outputs false for invalid comparison
Finished in 6.23 seconds
10 examples, 0 failures
(c) 2010 Paul Annesley, MIT license.