Azure Metrics Function Runtime Upgraded to V4
Below changes are done for Azure Metric Collection
- Added automated tests for ARM templates in github action.
Enhancements / Updates
- Fixed broken unit tests for Event Hub Metrics collection and upgraded test dependencies.
- Added support for collector and source creation in unit tests.
- Upgraded function runtime version to ~4 and nodejs version to node 18
- Upgraded api version in ARM template resources
Fixes for soon to be deprecated resources
- Migrated classic application Insights to workspace-based Application Insights Details
Security / CVE fixes
Below fixes were done for security and best practices for Event Hub Metrics ARM template- BC_AZR_GENERAL_117: "Ensure that 'supportsHttpsTrafficOnly' is set to 'true'"
- BC_AZR_NETWORKING_16: "Ensure 'Trusted Microsoft Services' is enabled for Storage Account access"
- BC_AZR_NETWORKING_5: "Ensure web app redirects all HTTP traffic to HTTPS in Azure App Service"
- BC_AZR_NETWORKING_8: "Ensure that 'HTTP Version' is the latest if used to run the web app"
- BC_AZR_NETWORKING_6: "Ensure web app is using the latest version of TLS encryption"
- apiVersions Should Be Recent In Reference Functions
- Location Should Not Be Hardcoded
- Parameter Types and Names Should Be Consistent
Upgradation Steps
- Deploy the new template, in a new resource group with same http source url as was configured in earlier deployment.
- Configure the metrics export to this new event hub namespace by updating the new diagnostic settings.
- Verify whether the metrics are coming to Sumo Logic.
- After verification, delete the resources in the older resource group created by earlier deployment.