Sample of single page application (SPA) to generate startup URLs for GWT app at work with appropriate URL parameters according to form.
- Browser LocalStorage was used to store last used URL parameters.
- SPA was distributed as responsive website, where control buttons in form were opening new tabs of browser. If SPA was distributed as chrome extension, same button were manipulating with actual tab through chrome-extension API, This two different functions were provided by angular module 'comoto-sample.PlatformService' that was selected by gulp during building distribution files.
- Monitor page of running GWT app in IFrame inside of SPA
- URL is presented in raw or pretty format in real-time (Angular 2way data binding)
- URL can be presented as image with QR code for easy triggering from mobile devices with camera
- NodeJS (>0.12.4) npm (>2.14.3)- as JavaScript environment for development tools.
- yeoman - base project structure was generated by generator-gulp-angular. Configuration file .yo-rc.json. Karma, Protractor and e2e tests where removed from original structure. Gulp tasks were modified to support build for website and chrome-extension. Task 'express' was created to support windows users without node-gyp node package.
- angular - MVC JavaScript framework.
- angular-material - View part of MVC, provide responsiveness and was choosen only because of chips component for modalities/body parts form input. Can be easy replaced byanother framework.
- gulp - task runnner
- browser-sync / express - node http-server package to serve application for development purpose
# npm install -g gulp-cli bower
$ npm install
$ bower install
$ gulp serve
$ gulp && gulp build --platform chrome-extension