This repository contains all the scripts required to reproduce the multi-task benchmarking of spatially resolved gene expression simulation models. The repository is organized into four main folders, each corresponding to a distinct stage in the benchmarking pipeline:
- 01_run_processing: Scripts for data processing and preparation.
- 02_run_simulation: Scripts for running the simulations by simAdaptor or Non-simAdaptor on the processed data.
- 03_run_evaluation: Scripts for evaluating simulation results across various metrics.
- 04_run_msFig: Scripts to generate figures and summaries for the manuscript.
The processed datasets required for reproduction are available on Figshare and can be accessed via this DOI link: Please download and store them in the appropriate directories as required by the scripts.
To reproduce the results:
- Start with the 01_run_processing scripts to prepare and process the data required for simulations.
- Run the 02_run_simulation scripts to simulate spatially resolved gene expression data.
- Run the 03_run_evaluation scripts to evaluate the simulated data using multiple benchmarking metrics.
- Finally, execute the 04_run_msFig scripts to generate figures and summaries for the manuscript.
Liang, X., Cao, Y., Yang, J. Y. H. (2024). Multi-task benchmarking of spatially resolved gene expression simulation models. bioRxiv. [Preprint].
Liang, Xiaoqi (2024). SpatialSimBench dataset. figshare. Dataset.