NURBS Surface modeling tools focused on low degree and seam continuity (FreeCAD Workbench)
Silk is the new name of the NURBSlib_EVM project.
How to install additional workbenches in FreeCAD
Until documentation and tutorials are rewritten for Silk, NURBSlib_EVM is the best source of information regarding the project. The tutorials can still be followed, simply skip setup, color, and display mode instructions. All setup is handled by installing the workbench, and the object display properties have been set to reasonable defaults. (Silk Wiki in progress)
All program files (.py, .pyc, .FCMacro) are offered under the terms of the Gnu gpl-v3.0
Icon .svg files, icon .png files, demo models .FCStd files, and tutorial model .FCStd files are offered under the terms of CC-BY 4.0
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.