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TBK edited this page Jul 29, 2017 · 2 revisions

MusicBot is available under the MIT License. You are free to fork the repository and modify the bot as you see fit. This page serves as a starting point to doing so, and some general guidance.


  • Python 3.5 or higher
  • A development environment. This can be a full-fledged Python IDE, such as PyCharm. Since the development we will be doing is fairly light, using an advanced text and code editor such as VS Code works too.
  • Basic knowledge of Python development. If you don't know the basics of Python, do not try and modify this bot
  • Knowledge of asyncio and the asynchronous features introduced in Python 3.5 are very important
  • Knowledge of Documentation is here:


  • contains the main class, MusicBot, along with all commands and Discord integration.
  • and use the standard Python library configparser to read from config.ini and permissions.ini respectively.
  • is the main wrapper for youtube-dl.
  • contains the various classes that allow for the bot to play music and maintain queues on each server.
  • is for managing and processing media for queues.
  • contains various utility functions.

Command framework

MusicBot currently uses its own command framework, rather than's command extension module. In the main MusicBot class, if a function begins with cmd_, it becomes detectable to the bot as a command, and will show up in !help and elsewhere. Therefore, the following code will be a command:

async def cmd_test(self):
    print("Hello, world!")

Adding this within the class and using !test will print a message to the console. However, it won't print a message to Discord. That is instead done by returning a Response.

async def cmd_test(self):
    return Response("Hello, world!")

This code will send a message to the Discord channel that the command was called from, saying Hello, world!. Take note of the various parameters that can be provided to the Response class, such as reply, which when passed as True will mention the user who called the command before the message, and delete_after, which is an integer that can be passed indicating how long after the message is sent should it be deleted.

There are a number of parameters that can be passed to command functions for use within them. For example, passing channel will allow you to use the Channel object associated with the invoking message (the message that called the command). Example:

async def cmd_test(self, channel):
    return Response("Hello, {}".format(

A final thing to note is that the docstring of a command function becomes its "help text". This is shown when doing !help <command>, or if the command is used incorrectly (an incorrect number of arguments is passed). Example:

async def cmd_test(self, channel):
    Sends a test message to the channel
    return Response("Hello, {}".format(


There are a few of example commands that aren't currently in the bot for you to look at it, and implement yourself if you desire.

There is also an example of editing an existing command:

Helper functions

MusicBot wraps various functions of in the MusicBot class in order to handle exceptions, so you should use these instead of their counterparts:

  • safe_send_message (instead of send_message)
  • safe_edit_message (instead of edit_message)
  • safe_delete_message (instead of delete_message)

When printing to console, it is advised to use the MusicBot class function safe_print instead of Python's default print. This avoids any potential UnicodeDecodeErrors.


The bot utilises youtube-dl to download media. Information on the various options that can be provided to the library are available in the README file on youtube-dl's repository. If you want to edit the way that downloading media or extracting information about it works, you should read through the source.

Music is streamed to Discord using ffmpeg. The documentation for ffmpeg is available here:


❗️ We do not provide support for modifying MusicBot, other than the guidance on this page. If you break something, that is your problem to fix, not ours. If, however, you need support with using the library which the bot utilises (such as the various Client functions), then you can find support on the Discord API server.

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