1993-2003,2020 TEAM-REDHERRING / Sequence (STUDIO Sequence) all rights reserved
This is a group of doujin software for MSX made around 1992-1997.
[Caution] Mostly, it is a work made in the last century.
We do not guarantee or take any responsibility for the operation in the current environment. Please download only those who approve.
This is a 2DD disk image.
If it is within the private range, you can use it freely.
After linking to this page and displaying the above license, you can bundle up to 2 files. Write the license after the file name line.
However, unauthorized redistribution of the software alone, including modified versions, is not permitted.
For commercial use, please contact us.
【注意】 概ね、前世紀に作られた作品です。
此方のページへのリンクと上記ライセンス表示をして頂いた上で、2ファイルまでであれば、同梱も構いません。 ファイル名の行に続き、ライセンスをお書きください。