Dog Translate is a unique application that brings a fun experience when you "talk" to your pet in dog language. With a combination of creativity and entertainment, Dog Translate helps you better understand how dogs may "respond" when you talk to them.
- The project uses Kotlin as the primary programming language for Android development.
- It utilizes the Android Gradle Plugin to manage the build and dependencies of the project.
- The project incorporates Android Architecture Components such as ViewModel and LiveData for managing lifecycle and data between different components of the application.
- Retrofit is used for making network requests, and OkHttp Logging Interceptor is used for logging network communication.
- Dagger 2 is employed for Dependency Injection, aiding in managing and providing dependencies for various components of the application.
- Room Persistence Library is used for working with the SQLite database on Android devices.
- The Glide library is used for displaying and loading images.
- Kotlin Coroutines are used for performing asynchronous tasks without the need for callbacks.
- Timber is utilized for managing logs.
- JUnit and AndroidX Test are used for unit testing and instrumentation testing.
- AndroidX and Material Design Components (MDC) are used to build the user interface.
- View Binding feature is enabled in Gradle to utilize View Binding in the source code.
- Data Binding is used to connect data and the user interface.
- LeakCanary library is used to detect and record information about memory leaks during the application runtime.
- The Android-Gif-Drawable library is used to display GIF images, and Shimmer is used to create a shimmering effect.
- AndroidX Preference is used to manage application settings.
- SwipeRefreshLayout is used to add the swipe-to-refresh feature to the user interface.