This application was developed as part of the Fintern Future Talent Hackathon. It's a RAG-LLM-GenAI based chatbot designed to answer questions on customers' minds. You send your question and the chatbot generates the most appropriate answer from vectordb or analyzes data from PandasAI.
- LangChain - LangChain version: 0.2.5
- PandasAI - PandasAI version: 2.1.1
- Streamlit - Streamlit version: 1.36.0
Ensure that your Python version is set to 3.10.12
(pip version is 24.0
python --version
- Setting up Virtualenv:
pip install virtualenv
- Creating a Virtual Environment:
virtualenv venv
- Activating the Virtual Environment:
source venv/bin/activate
- Installing the necessary libraries:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Set up your .env file:
- Set up your .streamlit/secrets.toml file:
- Set up your file:
cd <project-directory>
- Create the .env file and add your OPENAI_API_KEY:
OPENAI_API_KEY='key' # .env file
openai_api_key='Your OpenAI API Key' # secrets.toml
- Launch the Streamlit app in terminal:
streamlit run