The plugin enables analysis of F# within SonarQube.
Download latest snapshot from :
- Metrics: LOC, number of classes, number of methods
- Code duplication detection
- FSharpLint Support
- Unit test metrics and Coverage
- Runs under windows and Linux (mono)
Download the plugin from CI and copy to extensions/plugins in your SonarQube server installation. Restart the server and review the F# quality profile before running.
sonar.fs.file.suffixes - files extensions to import
Generate reports and feed using the following properties:
- sonar.fs.ncover3.reportsPaths
- sonar.fs.opencover.reportsPaths
- sonar.fs.dotcover.reportsPaths
- sonar.fs.vscoveragexml.reportsPaths
Generate reports and feed using the following properties:
- sonar.fs.vstest.reportsPaths
- sonar.fs.nunit.reportsPaths