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GraphGWT is an open source project allowing to display and interact with a javascript graph library.

Currently, the wrapper has 2 javascripts implementations of of the graph: arborjs and vivagraph:

It can manage link on a node, transparency, color, direction on edge, weight edge, and mouse events.

Lets see how to make an gwt objet : If you want to use arborjs lib :

GraphGWT graph = new ArborJS();

If you want to use vivagraph lib :

GraphGWT graph = new VivaGraph();

How to make a graph

The graph can be configured with a json object like following :

         "label":"North America",

Also a java API exist to do this step by step, here is the same graph with the API

graph.addNode("europe", "red", "rect", "Europe", 1, "");
graph.addNode("asia", "red", "rect", "Asia", 1, "");
graph.addNode("america", "red", "rect", "America", 1, "");
graph.addNode("france", "green", "dot", "France");
graph.addNode("germany", "green", "dot", "Germany");
graph.addNode("italy", "green", "dot", "Italy");
graph.addNode("spain", "green", "dot", "spain");
graph.addNode("uk", "green", "dot", "UK");
graph.addNode("etce", "#BB2BFF", "dot", "...");

graph.addNode("na", "green", "dot", "North America");
graph.addNode("canada", "green", "dot", "Canada");
graph.addNode("chili", "green", "dot", "Chili");
graph.addNode("brasil", "green", "dot", "Brasil");
graph.addNode("etca", "#BB2BFF", "dot", "...");
graph.addNode("china", "green", "dot", "China");
graph.addNode("japan", "green", "dot", "Japan");
graph.addNode("korea", "green", "dot", "Korea");
graph.addNode("etcas", "#BB2BFF", "dot", "...");
graph.addEdge("america", "na", "$", "#FFA500", true);
graph.addEdge("america", "canada", "$", "#FFA500", true);
graph.addEdge("america", "chili", null, "#FFA500", true);
graph.addEdge("america", "brasil", null, "#FFA500", true);
graph.addEdge("america", "etca", 4.0, null, "#0000FF", true);
graph.addEdge("europe", "france", "euro", "#FFA500", true);
graph.addEdge("europe", "germany", "euro", "#FFA500", true);
graph.addEdge("europe", "italy", "euro", "#FFA500", true);
graph.addEdge("europe", "spain", "euro", "#FFA500", true);
graph.addEdge("europe", "etce", 4.0, "euro", "#0000FF", true);
graph.addEdge("europe", "uk", "£", "#FFA500", true);
graph.addEdge("asia", "china");
graph.addEdge("asia", "japan");
graph.addEdge("asia", "korea");
graph.addEdge("asia", "etcas", 4.0, null, "#0000FF", false);
graph.addEdge("europe", "america");
graph.addEdge("europe", "asia");
graph.addEdge("asia", "america");

And this is the result you will get with the previous code:

With ArborJs :

With VivaGraph

Handle an event a change node color

//Handle when the mouse goes over a node:
graph.addNodeMouseHoverHandler(new NodeMouseHoverHandler() {
   public void onMouseHover(String nodeName, GraphGWT o, JSONObject currentNodeData) {
      //changing node color:
      currentNodeData.put("color", new JSONString("yellow"));
//handle a click on a node
graph.addNodeClickHandler(new NodeClickHandler() {
//when click is pressed
   public void onClick(String nodeName, GraphGWT o, JSONObject currentNodeData) {
      currentNodeData.put("color", new JSONString("red"));
//when click is released
   public void onClickRelease(String nodeName, GraphGWT o, JSONObject currentNodeData) {
      currentNodeData.put("color", new JSONString("blue"));				

Event are currently handled only on a node. Hre is the different event we can handle :

  • NodeMouseHoverHandler (when the mouse enter over a node area
    • onMouseHover
  • NodeMouseOutHandler (when the mouse leave a node area)
    • onMouseOut
  • NodeClickHandler
    • onClick
    • onClickRelease
  • NodeRightClickHandler
    • onRightClick
    • onRightClickRelease
  • NodeMiddleClickHandler
    • onMiddleClickRelease
    • onMiddleClickRelease

Using graphGWT in a GWT project

Create a folder named "public" next to the gwt.xml file. Add the file arbor.js in the gwt.xml file, add these lines :

<public path="public" />
<script src="arbor.js" />
<inherits name='com.temis.GraphGwt' />

In your onLoadModule specify to export graphgwt method into javascript, just like this:

public void onModuleLoad() {

Maven central repository


compile 'com.temis:GraphGwt:1.0.1'



Release notes


  • fix dependencies
  • Add support for vivagraph (but not modification of the graph once its displayed


  • First version of the project, using of arbor.js


Due to a bug of event in the lib vivagraph, there is not support for changing a node following an event. We can display a graph get any event but we can't change the graph display fllowing an event. anvaka/VivaGraphJS#77


Gwt wrapper for javascript graph library like Arborjs







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