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Use Buildvana.Cake instead of local build scripts
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rdeago committed Apr 20, 2024
1 parent ae231e7 commit 6239762
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Showing 20 changed files with 1 addition and 2,730 deletions.
353 changes: 1 addition & 352 deletions build.cake
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,354 +1,3 @@
// Copyright (C) Tenacom and contributors. Licensed under the MIT license.
// See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.

#load "./build/BuildData.cake"
#load "./build/Changelog.cake"
#load "./build/dotnet.cake"
#load "./build/environment.cake"
#load "./build/fail.cake"
#load "./build/filesystem.cake"
#load "./build/git.cake"
#load "./build/github.cake"
#load "./build/json.cake"
#load "./build/nbgv.cake"
#load "./build/options.cake"
#load "./build/process.cake"
#load "./build/public-api.cake"
#load "./build/setup-teardown.cake"
#load "./build/utilities.cake"
#load "./build/versioning.cake"
#load "./build/workspace.cake"

#nullable enable

using System;
using System.Text;

using SysDirectory = System.IO.Directory;
using SysFile = System.IO.File;
using SysPath = System.IO.Path;

// =============================================================================================
// =============================================================================================

.Description("Default task - Do nothing (but log build configuration data)")
.Does(context => {
context.Information("The default task does nothing. This is intentional.");
context.Information("Use `dotnet cake --description` to see the list of available tasks.");

.Description("Delete all output directories, VS data, R# caches")
.Does<BuildData>((context, data) => context.CleanAll(data));

.Description("Like CleanAll, but only runs on a local machine")
.WithCriteria<BuildData>(data => data.CIPlatform is CIPlatform.None)
.Does<BuildData>((context, data) => context.CleanAll(data));

.Description("Restores dependencies")
.Does<BuildData>((context, data) => context.RestoreSolution(data));

.Description("Build all projects")
.Does<BuildData>((context, data) => context.BuildSolution(data, false));

.Description("Build all projects and run tests")
.Does<BuildData>((context, data) => context.TestSolution(data, false, false, true));

.Description("Build all projects, run tests, and prepare build artifacts")
.Does<BuildData>((context, data) => context.PackSolution(data, false, false));

.Description("Publish a new public release (CI only)")
.Does<BuildData>(async (context, data) => {

// Perform some preliminary checks
context.Ensure(data.CIPlatform is not CIPlatform.None, "The Release target cannot run on a local system.");
context.Ensure(data.IsPublicRelease, "Cannot create a release from the current branch.");

// Perform an initial versioning consistency check.
// This is a tad more relaxed than the final check, as it takes into account that we may still increment the current version
// (for example by updating the changelog).
currentVersion: data.Version,
latestVersion: data.LatestVersion,
latestStableVersion: data.LatestStableVersion,
isFinalCheck: false);

// Compute the version spec change to apply, if any.
// This implies more checks and possibly throws, so do it as early as possible.
var versionSpecChange = context.ComputeVersionSpecChange(
currentVersion: data.Version,
latestVersion: data.LatestVersion,
latestStableVersion: data.LatestStableVersion,
requestedChange: context.GetOption<VersionSpecChange>("versionSpecChange", VersionSpecChange.None),
checkPublicApi: context.GetOption<bool>("checkPublicApi", true));

// Identify Git user for later possible push
context.GitSetUserIdentity("Buildvana", "[email protected]");

// Create the release as a draft first, so if the token has no permissions we can bail out early
var release = await context.CreateDraftReleaseAsync(data);
var dupeTagChecked = false;
var committed = false;
// Modify version if required.
if (versionSpecChange != VersionSpecChange.None)
var versionFile = VersionFile.Load(context);
if (versionFile.ApplyVersionSpecChange(context, versionSpecChange))

// Update public API files only when releasing a stable version
if (!data.IsPrerelease)
var modified = context.TransferAllPublicApiToShipped().ToArray();
if (modified.Length > 0)
context.Information($"{modified.Length} public API files were modified.");
context.Information("No public API files were modified.");
context.Information("Public API update skipped: not needed on prerelease.");

// Update changelog only on non-prerelease, unless forced
var changelog = new Changelog(context, data);
var changelogUpdated = false;
if (!changelog.Exists)
context.Information($"Changelog update skipped: {Changelog.FileName} not found.");
else if (!data.IsPrerelease || context.GetOption<bool>("forceUpdateChangelog", false))
if (context.GetOption<bool>("checkChangelog", true))
"Changelog check failed: the \"Unreleased changes\" section is empty or only contains sub-section headings.");

context.Information("Changelog check successful: the \"Unreleased changes\" section is not empty.");
context.Information("Changelog check skipped: option 'checkChangelog' is false.");

// Update the changelog and commit the change before building.
// This ensures that the Git height is up to date when computing a version for the build artifacts.
changelogUpdated = true;
context.Information("Changelog update skipped: not needed on prerelease.");

// At this point we know what the actual published version will be.
// Time for a final consistency check.
currentVersion: data.Version,
latestVersion: data.LatestVersion,
latestStableVersion: data.LatestStableVersion,
isFinalCheck: true);

// Ensure that the release tag doesn't already exist.
// This assumes that full repo history has been checked out;
// however, that is already a prerequisite for using Nerdbank.GitVersioning.
context.Ensure(!context.GitTagExists(data.VersionStr), $"Tag {data.VersionStr} already exists in repository.");
dupeTagChecked = true;

context.BuildSolution(data, false);
context.TestSolution(data, false, false, false);
context.PackSolution(data, false, false);

if (changelogUpdated)
// Change the new section's title in the changelog to reflect the actual version.
context.Information("Changelog section title update skipped: changelog has not been updated.");

if (committed)
context.Information($"Git pushing changes to {data.Remote}...");
_ = context.Exec("git", $"push {data.Remote} HEAD");
context.Information("Git push skipped: no commit to push.");

// Publish NuGet packages
await context.NuGetPushAllAsync(data);

// If this is not a prerelease and we are releasing from the main branch,
// dispatch a separate workflow to publish documentation.
// Unless, of course, there is no documentation to publish, or no workflow to do it.
FilePath docFxJsonPath = "docs/docfx.json";
FilePath pagesDeploymentWorkflow = ".github/workflows/deploy-pages.yml";
if (data.IsPrerelease)
context.Information("Documentation update skipped: not needed on prerelease.");
else if (data.Branch != "main")
context.Information($"Documentation update skipped: releasing from '{data.Branch}', not 'main'.");
else if (!SysFile.Exists(pagesDeploymentWorkflow.FullPath))
context.Information($"Documentation update skipped: {docFxJsonPath} not present.");
else if (!SysFile.Exists(pagesDeploymentWorkflow.FullPath))
context.Warning($"Documentation update skipped: there is no documentation workflow.");
await context.DispatchWorkflow(data, SysPath.GetFileName(pagesDeploymentWorkflow.FullPath), "main");

// Read release asset lists and upload assets
var assets = await GetReleaseAssetsAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
var assetCount = assets.Count;
if (assetCount > 0)
var i = 0;
foreach (var asset in assets)
context.Information($"Uploading asset {i} of {assetCount}: {SysPath.GetFileName(asset.Path)} ({asset.Description})...");
await context.UploadReleaseAssetAsync(data, release, asset.Path, asset.MimeType, asset.Description).ConfigureAwait(false);
context.Information("Asset upload skipped: no release assets defined.");

// Last but not least, publish the release.
await context.PublishReleaseAsync(data, release);

// Set outputs for subsequent steps in GitHub Actions
if (data.CIPlatform is CIPlatform.GitHub)
context.SetActionsStepOutput("version", data.VersionStr);
catch (Exception e)
context.Error(e is CakeException ? e.Message : $"{e.GetType().Name}: {e.Message}");
await context.DeleteReleaseAsync(data, release, dupeTagChecked ? data.VersionStr : null);

void UpdateRepo(params FilePath[] files)
foreach (var path in files)
context.Verbose($"Git adding {path}...");
_ = context.Exec(
new ProcessArgumentBuilder()

context.Information(committed ? "Amending commit..." : "Committing changed files...");
var arguments = new ProcessArgumentBuilder().Append("commit");
if (committed)
arguments = arguments.Append("--amend");

arguments = arguments.Append("-m").AppendQuoted("Prepare release [skip ci]");
_ = context.Exec("git", arguments);

// The commit changed the Git height, so update build data
// and amend the commit adding the right version.
// Amending a commit does not further change the Git height.
_ = context.Exec(
new ProcessArgumentBuilder()
.AppendQuoted($"Prepare release {data.VersionStr} [skip ci]"));

committed = true;

async Task<IReadOnlyList<(string Path, string MimeType, string Description)>> GetReleaseAssetsAsync()
const string assetListMask = "*.assets.txt";

var result = new List<(string Path, string MimeType, string Description)>();
if (!SysDirectory.EnumerateFiles(data.ArtifactsPath.FullPath, assetListMask).Any())
context.Information("Skipping asset upload: no release asset lists.");
return result;

context.Information("Reading release asset lists...");
var assetLists = SysPath.Combine(data.ArtifactsPath.FullPath, assetListMask);
foreach (var path in context.GetFiles(assetLists).Select(x => x.FullPath))
context.Verbose("Reading release asset list {path}...");
var i = 0;
await foreach (var line in SysFile.ReadLinesAsync(path))
var parts = line.Split('\t');
if (parts.Length != 3)
context.Warning($"Release asset list {path}, line #{i}: invalid line '{line}'");

if (!SysFile.Exists(parts[0]))
context.Warning($"Release asset list {path}, line #{i}: asset not found '{parts[0]}'");

result.Add((parts[0], parts[1], parts[2]));

return result;

// =============================================================================================
// =============================================================================================
#load nuget:?package=Buildvana.Cake&version=1.0.4-preview

RunTarget(Argument("target", "Default"));

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