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A new method for the greedy optimizer (#41)
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* fixed part of test/greedy.jl

* fix test/greedy

* added hyper-greedy

remove deps of FasterExp

* add tests for hyper-greedy

* add new structure Greedy

* update tests

* rename Greedy as GreedyStrategy

* add sub_optimizer for kahypar

* update sa with new greedy and sub_optimizer

* update docs
  • Loading branch information
ArrogantGao authored May 30, 2024
1 parent cc2295f commit 3031953
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Showing 13 changed files with 212 additions and 194 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ version = "0.8.3"

AbstractTrees = "1520ce14-60c1-5f80-bbc7-55ef81b5835c"
BetterExp = "7cffe744-45fd-4178-b173-cf893948b8b7"
JSON = "682c06a0-de6a-54ab-a142-c8b1cf79cde6"
SparseArrays = "2f01184e-e22b-5df5-ae63-d93ebab69eaf"
StatsBase = "2913bbd2-ae8a-5f71-8c99-4fb6c76f3a91"
Suppressor = "fd094767-a336-5f1f-9728-57cf17d0bbfb"

Expand All @@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ KaHyParExt = ["KaHyPar"]

AbstractTrees = "0.3, 0.4"
BetterExp = "0.1"
JSON = "0.21"
KaHyPar = "0.3"
StatsBase = "0.34"
Suppressor = "0.2"
julia = "1.9"

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3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions src/OMEinsumContractionOrders.jl
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Expand Up @@ -2,14 +2,13 @@ module OMEinsumContractionOrders

using JSON
using SparseArrays
using StatsBase
using Base: RefValue
using BetterExp
using Base.Threads
using AbstractTrees

export CodeOptimizer, CodeSimplifier,
KaHyParBipartite, GreedyMethod, TreeSA, SABipartite,
MinSpaceDiff, MinSpaceOut,
MergeGreedy, MergeVectors,
simplify_code, optimize_code, optimize_permute,
Expand Down
120 changes: 65 additions & 55 deletions src/greedy.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,10 +3,8 @@ struct ContractionTree

struct MinSpaceOut end
struct MinSpaceDiff end

struct LegInfo{ET}
# We use number 0, 1, 2 to denote the output tensor, the first input tensor and the second input tensor,and use e.g. `l01` to denote the set of labels that appear in both the output tensor and the input tensor.
Expand All @@ -16,10 +14,12 @@ struct LegInfo{ET}

tree_greedy(incidence_list, log2_sizes; method=MinSpaceOut())
tree_greedy(incidence_list, log2_sizes; α = 0.0, temperature = 0.0, nrepeat=10)
Compute greedy order, and the time and space complexities, the rows of the `incidence_list` are vertices and columns are edges.
`log2_sizes` are defined on edges.
`α` is the parameter for the loss function, for pairwise interaction, L = size(out) - α * (size(in1) + size(in2))
`temperature` is the parameter for sampling, if it is zero, the minimum loss is selected; for non-zero, the loss is selected by the Boltzmann distribution, given by p ~ exp(-loss/temperature).
julia> code = ein"(abc,cde),(ce,sf,j),ak->ael"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -48,21 +48,25 @@ ae, ak -> ea
└─ abc
function tree_greedy(incidence_list::IncidenceList{VT,ET}, log2_edge_sizes; method=MinSpaceOut(), nrepeat=10) where {VT,ET}
function tree_greedy(incidence_list::IncidenceList{VT,ET}, log2_edge_sizes; α::TA = 0.0, temperature::TT = 0.0, nrepeat=10) where {VT,ET,TA,TT}
@assert nrepeat >= 1
best_tree, best_tcs, best_scs = _tree_greedy(incidence_list, log2_edge_sizes; method=method)
best_tc, best_sc = log2sumexp2(best_tcs), maximum(best_scs)
for _ = 1:nrepeat-1
tree, tcs, scs = _tree_greedy(incidence_list, log2_edge_sizes; method=method)
tc, sc = log2sumexp2(tcs), maximum(scs)
if sc < best_sc || (sc <= best_sc && tc < best_tc)
best_tcs, best_scs, best_tc, best_sc, best_tree = tcs, scs, tc, sc, tree

results = Vector{Tuple{ContractionTree, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}}}(undef, nrepeat)

@threads for i = 1:nrepeat
results[i] = _tree_greedy(incidence_list, log2_edge_sizes; α = α, temperature = temperature)

best_sc = minimum([maximum(r[3]) for r in results])
possible_ids = findall(x -> maximum(x[3]) == best_sc, results)
possible_results = results[possible_ids]

best_tree, best_tcs, best_scs = results[argmin([log2sumexp2(r[2]) for r in possible_results])]

return best_tree, best_tcs, best_scs

function _tree_greedy(incidence_list::IncidenceList{VT,ET}, log2_edge_sizes; method=MinSpaceOut()) where {VT,ET}
function _tree_greedy(incidence_list::IncidenceList{VT,ET}, log2_edge_sizes; α::TA = 0.0, temperature::TT = 0.0) where {VT,ET,TA,TT}
incidence_list = copy(incidence_list)
n = nv(incidence_list)
if n == 0
Expand All @@ -74,13 +78,13 @@ function _tree_greedy(incidence_list::IncidenceList{VT,ET}, log2_edge_sizes; met
log2_scs = Float64[]

tree = Dict{VT,Any}([v=>v for v in vertices(incidence_list)])
cost_values = evaluate_costs(method, incidence_list, log2_edge_sizes)
cost_values = evaluate_costs(α, incidence_list, log2_edge_sizes)
while true
if length(cost_values) == 0
vpool = collect(vertices(incidence_list))
pair = minmax(vpool[1], vpool[2]) # to prevent empty intersect
pair = find_best_cost(cost_values)
pair = find_best_cost(temperature, cost_values)
log2_tc_step, sc, code = contract_pair!(incidence_list, pair..., log2_edge_sizes)
push!(log2_tcs, log2_tc_step)
Expand All @@ -90,7 +94,7 @@ function _tree_greedy(incidence_list::IncidenceList{VT,ET}, log2_edge_sizes; met
return ContractionTree(tree[pair[1]], tree[pair[2]]), log2_tcs, log2_scs
update_costs!(cost_values, pair..., method, incidence_list, log2_edge_sizes)
update_costs!(cost_values, pair..., α, incidence_list, log2_edge_sizes)

Expand All @@ -116,23 +120,23 @@ function contract_pair!(incidence_list, vi, vj, log2_edge_sizes)
return tc, sc, code

function evaluate_costs(method, incidence_list::IncidenceList{VT,ET}, log2_edge_sizes) where {VT,ET}
function evaluate_costs(α::TA, incidence_list::IncidenceList{VT,ET}, log2_edge_sizes) where {VT,ET,TA}
# initialize cost values
cost_values = Dict{Tuple{VT,VT},Float64}()
for vi = vertices(incidence_list)
for vj in neighbors(incidence_list, vi)
if vj > vi
cost_values[(vi,vj)] = greedy_loss(method, incidence_list, log2_edge_sizes, vi, vj)
cost_values[(vi,vj)] = greedy_loss(α, incidence_list, log2_edge_sizes, vi, vj)
return cost_values

function update_costs!(cost_values, va, vb, method, incidence_list::IncidenceList{VT,ET}, log2_edge_sizes) where {VT,ET}
function update_costs!(cost_values, va, vb, α::TA, incidence_list::IncidenceList{VT,ET}, log2_edge_sizes) where {VT,ET,TA}
for vj in neighbors(incidence_list, va)
vx, vy = minmax(vj, va)
cost_values[(vx,vy)] = greedy_loss(method, incidence_list, log2_edge_sizes, vx, vy)
cost_values[(vx,vy)] = greedy_loss(α, incidence_list, log2_edge_sizes, vx, vy)
for k in keys(cost_values)
if vb k
Expand All @@ -141,16 +145,28 @@ function update_costs!(cost_values, va, vb, method, incidence_list::IncidenceLis

function find_best_cost(cost_values::Dict{PT}) where PT
function find_best_cost(temperature::TT, cost_values::Dict{PT}) where {PT,TT}
length(cost_values) < 1 && error("cost value information missing")
minval = minimum(Base.values(cost_values))
pairs = PT[]
for (k, v) in cost_values
if v == minval
push!(pairs, k)
if iszero(temperature)
minval = minimum(Base.values(cost_values))
pairs = PT[]
for (k, v) in cost_values
if v == minval
push!(pairs, k)
return rand(pairs)
return sample_best_cost(cost_values, temperature)
return rand(pairs)

function sample_best_cost(cost_values::Dict{PT}, t::T) where {PT, T}
length(cost_values) < 1 && error("cost value information missing")
vals = [v for v in values(cost_values)]
prob = exp.( - vals ./ t)
vc = [k for (k, v) in cost_values]
sample(vc, Weights(prob))

function analyze_contraction(incidence_list::IncidenceList{VT,ET}, vi::VT, vj::VT) where {VT,ET}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -185,17 +201,12 @@ function analyze_contraction(incidence_list::IncidenceList{VT,ET}, vi::VT, vj::V
return LegInfo(leg1, leg2, leg12, leg01, leg02, leg012)

function greedy_loss(::MinSpaceOut, incidence_list, log2_edge_sizes, vi, vj)
log2dim(legs) = isempty(legs) ? 0 : sum(l->log2_edge_sizes[l], legs) # for 1.5, you need this patch because `init` kw is not allowed.
legs = analyze_contraction(incidence_list, vi, vj)

function greedy_loss(::MinSpaceDiff, incidence_list, log2_edge_sizes, vi, vj)
function greedy_loss(α, incidence_list, log2_edge_sizes, vi, vj)
log2dim(legs) = isempty(legs) ? 0 : sum(l->log2_edge_sizes[l], legs) # for 1.5, you need this patch because `init` kw is not allowed.
legs = analyze_contraction(incidence_list, vi, vj)
D1,D2,D12,D01,D02,D012 = log2dim.(getfield.(Ref(legs), 1:6))
exp2(D01+D02+D012) - exp2(D01+D12+D012) - exp2(D02+D12+D012) # out - in
loss = exp2(D01+D02+D012) - α * (exp2(D01+D12+D012) + exp2(D02+D12+D012)) # out - in
return loss

function space_complexity(incidence_list, log2_sizes)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -254,16 +265,15 @@ function parse_tree(ein, vertices)

optimize_greedy(eincode, size_dict; method=MinSpaceOut(), nrepeat=10)
optimize_greedy(eincode, size_dict; α = 0.0, temperature = 0.0, nrepeat=10)
Greedy optimizing the contraction order and return a `NestedEinsum` object. Methods are
* `MinSpaceOut`, always choose the next contraction that produces the minimum output tensor.
* `MinSpaceDiff`, always choose the next contraction that minimizes the total space.
Greedy optimizing the contraction order and return a `NestedEinsum` object.
Check the docstring of `tree_greedy` for detailed explaination of other input arguments.
function optimize_greedy(code::EinCode{L}, size_dict::Dict; method=MinSpaceOut(), nrepeat=10) where {L}
optimize_greedy(getixsv(code), getiyv(code), size_dict; method=method, nrepeat=nrepeat)
function optimize_greedy(code::EinCode{L}, size_dict::Dict; α::TA = 0.0, temperature::TT = 0.0, nrepeat=10) where {L,TA,TT}
optimize_greedy(getixsv(code), getiyv(code), size_dict; α = α, temperature = temperature, nrepeat=nrepeat)
function optimize_greedy(ixs::AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector}, iy::AbstractVector, size_dict::Dict{L,TI}; method=MinSpaceOut(), nrepeat=10) where {L, TI}
function optimize_greedy(ixs::AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector}, iy::AbstractVector, size_dict::Dict{L,TI}; α::TA = 0.0, temperature::TT = 0.0, nrepeat=10) where {L, TI, TA, TT}
if length(ixs) <= 2
return NestedEinsum(NestedEinsum{L}.(1:length(ixs)), EinCode(ixs, iy))
Expand All @@ -272,15 +282,15 @@ function optimize_greedy(ixs::AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector}, iy::AbstractVect
log2_edge_sizes[k] = log2(v)
incidence_list = IncidenceList(Dict([i=>ixs[i] for i=1:length(ixs)]); openedges=iy)
tree, _, _ = tree_greedy(incidence_list, log2_edge_sizes; method=method, nrepeat=nrepeat)
tree, _, _ = tree_greedy(incidence_list, log2_edge_sizes; α = α, temperature = temperature, nrepeat=nrepeat)
parse_eincode!(incidence_list, tree, 1:length(ixs))[2]
function optimize_greedy(code::NestedEinsum, size_dict; method=MinSpaceOut(), nrepeat=10)
function optimize_greedy(code::NestedEinsum, size_dict; α::TA = 0.0, temperature::TT = 0.0, nrepeat=10) where {TT, TA}
isleaf(code) && return code
args = optimize_greedy.(code.args, Ref(size_dict); method=method, nrepeat=nrepeat)
args = optimize_greedy.(code.args, Ref(size_dict); α = α, temperature = temperature, nrepeat=nrepeat)
if length(code.args) > 2
# generate coarse grained hypergraph.
nested = optimize_greedy(code.eins, size_dict; method=method, nrepeat=nrepeat)
nested = optimize_greedy(code.eins, size_dict; α = α, temperature = temperature, nrepeat=nrepeat)
replace_args(nested, args)
NestedEinsum(args, code.eins)
Expand All @@ -294,16 +304,16 @@ end

GreedyMethod(; method=MinSpaceOut(), nrepeat=10)
GreedyMethod(; α = 0.0, temperature = 0.0, nrepeat=10)
The fast but poor greedy optimizer. Input arguments are
* `method` is `MinSpaceDiff()` or `MinSpaceOut`.
* `MinSpaceOut` choose one of the contraction that produces a minimum output tensor size,
* `MinSpaceDiff` choose one of the contraction that decrease the space most.
* `nrepeat` is the number of repeatition, returns the best contraction order.
* `α` is the parameter for the loss function, for pairwise interaction, L = size(out) - α * (size(in1) + size(in2))
* `temperature` is the parameter for sampling, if it is zero, the minimum loss is selected; for non-zero, the loss is selected by the Boltzmann distribution, given by p ~ exp(-loss/temperature).
* `nrepeat` is the number of repeatition, returns the best contraction order.
Base.@kwdef struct GreedyMethod{MT} <: CodeOptimizer
method::MT = MinSpaceOut()
Base.@kwdef struct GreedyMethod{TA, TT} <: CodeOptimizer
α::TA = 0.0
temperature::TT = 0.0
nrepeat::Int = 10
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/interfaces.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ function _optimize_code(code, size_dict, optimizer::KaHyParBipartite)
recursive_bipartite_optimize(optimizer, code, size_dict)
function _optimize_code(code, size_dict, optimizer::GreedyMethod)
optimize_greedy(code, size_dict; method=optimizer.method, nrepeat=optimizer.nrepeat)
optimize_greedy(code, size_dict; α = optimizer.α, temperature = optimizer.temperature, nrepeat=optimizer.nrepeat)
function _optimize_code(code, size_dict, optimizer::SABipartite)
recursive_bipartite_optimize(optimizer, code, size_dict)
Expand All @@ -60,5 +60,5 @@ function _optimize_code(code, size_dict, optimizer::TreeSA)
optimize_tree(code, size_dict; sc_target=optimizer.sc_target, βs=optimizer.βs,
ntrials=optimizer.ntrials, niters=optimizer.niters, nslices=optimizer.nslices,
sc_weight=optimizer.sc_weight, rw_weight=optimizer.rw_weight, initializer=optimizer.initializer,
greedy_method=optimizer.greedy_config.method, greedy_nrepeat=optimizer.greedy_config.nrepeat, fixed_slices=optimizer.fixed_slices)
greedy_method=optimizer.greedy_config, fixed_slices=optimizer.fixed_slices)

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