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Fixes on the new limit of segments wipes
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Tercioo committed Jul 18, 2024
1 parent 55420e7 commit e58d57f
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Showing 3 changed files with 61 additions and 64 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions boot.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
local addonName, Details222 = ...
local version, build, date, tvs = GetBuildInfo()

Details.build_counter = 12811
Details.alpha_build_counter = 12811 --if this is higher than the regular counter, use it instead
Details.build_counter = 12812
Details.alpha_build_counter = 12812 --if this is higher than the regular counter, use it instead
Details.dont_open_news = true
Details.game_version = version
Details.userversion = version .. " " .. Details.build_counter
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119 changes: 58 additions & 61 deletions classes/container_segments.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ local setBossTryCounter = function(combatToBeAdded, segmentsTable, amountSegment
--check the 70%
if (amountOfPlayersFromGuild / amountOfPlayersInGroup >= 0.7) then
--check the elapsed time of the encounter is bigger than the min allowed
if (Details.boss_wipe_min_time <= combatToBeAdded:GetCombatTime()) then
if (combatToBeAdded:GetCombatTime() >= Details.boss_wipe_min_time) then --default 20 seconds
--check if there is a table for the guild name in the database
local guildWipes = bossTriesDatabase[playerGuildName]
if (not guildWipes) then
Expand All @@ -425,33 +425,39 @@ local setBossTryCounter = function(combatToBeAdded, segmentsTable, amountSegment

--increment the wipe counter
bossWipes[bossDifficultyId] = difficultyWipes + 1
combatToBeAdded.is_boss.try_number = bossWipes[bossDifficultyId]
Details:Msg("(testing) wipes on this boss with this guild in this difficulty:", bossWipes[bossDifficultyId])

local tryNumber = Details.encounter_counter[bossName]
if (not tryNumber) then
---@type combat
local previousCombatObject

for i = 1, amountSegmentsInUse do
previousCombatObject = segmentsTable[i]
if (previousCombatObject and previousCombatObject.is_boss and and previousCombatObject.is_boss.try_number and == bossName and not previousCombatObject.is_boss.killed) then
tryNumber = previousCombatObject.is_boss.try_number + 1
--this function will shutdown all actors from the previous combat from the time machine
local shutDownActorsOnTimeMachine = function(segmentsTable)
---@type combat
local previousCombatObject = segmentsTable[1]
if (previousCombatObject) then
---@type actorcontainer
local containerDamage = previousCombatObject:GetContainer(DETAILS_ATTRIBUTE_DAMAGE)
---@type actorcontainer
local containerHeal = previousCombatObject:GetContainer(DETAILS_ATTRIBUTE_HEAL)

if (not tryNumber) then
tryNumber = 1
tryNumber = Details.encounter_counter[bossName] + 1
for _, actorObject in containerDamage:ListActors() do
---@cast actorObject actor
--clear last events table (death logs)
actorObject.last_events_table = nil
--remove from the time machine

Details.encounter_counter[bossName] = tryNumber
combatToBeAdded.is_boss.try_number = tryNumber
for _, actorObject in containerHeal:ListActors() do
---@cast actorObject actor
--clear last events table (death logs)
actorObject.last_events_table = nil
--remove from the time machine

Expand All @@ -471,7 +477,7 @@ function Details222.Combat.AddCombat(combatToBeAdded)
local removedCombats = {}

---@type bossinfo
local combatToAddBossInfo = combatToBeAdded:GetBossInfo()
local combatToAdd_BossInfo = combatToBeAdded:GetBossInfo()

--check if there's a destroyed segment within the segment container
if (amountSegmentsInUse > 0) then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -499,36 +505,16 @@ function Details222.Combat.AddCombat(combatToBeAdded)

local bRunOkay, errorText = pcall(setBossTryCounter, combatToBeAdded, segmentsTable, amountSegmentsInUse)
if (not bRunOkay) then
Details:Msg("error > failed to set boss try counter > ", errorText)
--check if this is a boss wipe and increment the try counter
if (combatToAdd_BossInfo and not combatToAdd_BossInfo.killed) then
local bRunOkay, errorText = pcall(setBossTryCounter, combatToBeAdded, segmentsTable, amountSegmentsInUse)
if (not bRunOkay) then
Details:Msg("error > failed to set boss try counter > ", errorText)

--shutdown actors from the previous combat from the time machine
---@type combat
local previousCombatObject = segmentsTable[1]
if (previousCombatObject) then
---@type actorcontainer
local containerDamage = previousCombatObject:GetContainer(DETAILS_ATTRIBUTE_DAMAGE)
---@type actorcontainer
local containerHeal = previousCombatObject:GetContainer(DETAILS_ATTRIBUTE_HEAL)

for _, actorObject in containerDamage:ListActors() do
---@cast actorObject actor
--clear last events table (death logs)
actorObject.last_events_table = nil
--remove from the time machine

for _, actorObject in containerHeal:ListActors() do
---@cast actorObject actor
--clear last events table (death logs)
actorObject.last_events_table = nil
--remove from the time machine

---@type boolean user choise to remove trash combats or not
local bAutoRemoveTrashCombats = Details.trash_auto_remove
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -577,8 +563,12 @@ function Details222.Combat.AddCombat(combatToBeAdded)

--is the wipe counter saved in the details database?
if (IsInRaid() and Details.zone_type == "raid") then --filter only for raids
--update the amount of segments in use in case a segment was removed
amountSegmentsInUse = #segmentsTable

--is this inside a raid and the boss isn't killed?
if (IsInRaid() and Details.zone_type == "raid" and combatToAdd_BossInfo and not combatToAdd_BossInfo.killed) then
--get the amount of segments in the segmentsTable that are from the same boss and difficulty as the combat to be added
local bRunOkay2, result = pcall(getAmountOfSegmentsInThisBoss, combatToBeAdded)
if (not bRunOkay2) then
Details:Msg("bRunOkay2 Error > failed to get amount of segments in this boss > ", result)
Expand All @@ -589,35 +579,42 @@ function Details222.Combat.AddCombat(combatToBeAdded)

local bRunOkay3, errorText3 = pcall(function()
local amountOfSegmentsInThisBoss = result
local amountOfSegmentsInThisBoss = result --result of getAmountOfSegmentsInThisBoss()

if (not Details.segments_amount_boss_wipes) then
Details:Msg("Details.segments_amount_boss_wipes isn't a number, issue with profile? ", type(Details.segments_amount_boss_wipes))
Details:Msg("on default profile:", Details.default_profile.segments_amount_boss_wipes)

--is the amount of segments in this boss bigger than the amount of segment wipe allowed?
--context: segment wipe is when the raid wipes on a boss and the combat is stored in the segments table
--Details.segments_amount_boss_wipes store the max amount of segment wipes allowed for a boss
if (amountOfSegmentsInThisBoss > Details.segments_amount_boss_wipes) then
---@type combat[]
local allSegmentsWithThisBoss = {}
local allWipeSegmentsInThisBoss = {}
for i = 1, amountSegmentsInUse do
---@type combat
local thisCombatObject = segmentsTable[i]
local thisCombatBossInfo = thisCombatObject:GetBossInfo()
if (thisCombatBossInfo and == and thisCombatBossInfo.diff == combatToAddBossInfo.diff) then
table.insert(allSegmentsWithThisBoss, thisCombatObject)

--check if this segment has the same name and difficulty as the combat to be added
if (thisCombatBossInfo and == and thisCombatBossInfo.diff == combatToAdd_BossInfo.diff) then
if (not thisCombatBossInfo.killed) then --if the key killed is false or enexistent, it is a wipe
table.insert(allWipeSegmentsInThisBoss, thisCombatObject)

segmentRemoveResult = segmentRemoveResult .. #allSegmentsWithThisBoss .. " added|"
segmentRemoveResult = segmentRemoveResult .. #allWipeSegmentsInThisBoss .. " added|" --debug

--make sure the the len of the table is the same or more of the amount of segments in this boss
if (#allSegmentsWithThisBoss >= amountOfSegmentsInThisBoss) then
--sort the table by elapsed time
table.sort(allSegmentsWithThisBoss, function(a, b) return a:GetBossHealth() < b:GetBossHealth() end)
--make sure the the amount of wipes found is bigger than the amount of segment wipes allowed
if (#allWipeSegmentsInThisBoss > Details.segments_amount_boss_wipes) then
--sort the table by boss health, the less is the health, the less is the index in the table
table.sort(allWipeSegmentsInThisBoss, function(a, b) return a:GetBossHealth() < b:GetBossHealth() end)

--remove the last segment
--remove the last index in the 'allWipeSegmentsInThisBoss' table, as this segment has the most health of the boss, which means less progress
---@type combat
local combatToBeRemoved = allSegmentsWithThisBoss[#allSegmentsWithThisBoss]
local combatToBeRemoved = allWipeSegmentsInThisBoss[#allWipeSegmentsInThisBoss]
---@type boolean, combat
local bSegmentRemoved, combatObjectRemoved = Details:RemoveSegmentByCombatObject(combatToBeRemoved)
---@cast combatObjectRemoved combat
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion core/gears.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1905,7 +1905,7 @@ function Details.Database.StoreEncounter(combat)

--total kills in a boss on raid or dungeon
local totalkillsTable = Details.Database.GetBossKillsDB(savedData)

--store total kills on this boss
--if the player is facing a raid boss
if (IsInRaid()) then
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