Releases: Tercioo/Details-Damage-Meter
Releases · Tercioo/Details-Damage-Meter
- Added options to change the color of each team during an arena match.
- Fixed One Segment Battleground.
- Fixed an error with Howl of Terror on Demo Warlocks.
- More fixes for pet detection
- Additional checks before starting an arena battle.
- Framework Updates.
- Overall Data now reset at the beginning of a Torghast run.
- Modified the way Monk's Storm, Earth, and Fire are displayed.
- Fixed the segment amount resetting after each logon.
- Framework updates.
- Make the damage done tooltip more organized.
- Maximum amount of segments raised to 40, this change will help with the mythic+ overall segment.
- Renamed 'Custom Displays' to just 'Scripts'.
- Fixed the Sanguine affix healing done by enemy.
- After a profile import, reset all the mythic dungeon settings to default.
- Fixed an issue with dispel counter.
- Fixed an issue where sometimes exporting a profile wouldn't work.
- Fixed Spirit Shell overhealing.
- [Experimental] Details! now creates an actor for Sanguine Pool on Healing container showing the enemy healing done by the pool.
- Some issues with characters with similar names has been fixed.
- Added inline texts for custom scripts.
- Death logs after Forgeborne Reveries triggers are now ignored.
- The health amount in the death log of an enemy in Arena is fixed.
- Fixed interrupt by quaking affix being counted as a regular interrupt for the actor.
- Fixed lua errors at the beginning of an Arena match.
- Fixed lua errors while playing in battlegrounds.
- Removed deprecated BigWigs code.
- Added API actor:IsFriendlyNpc().
- Added API actor:GetNameNoRealm().
- Added API Details:GetUnknownClassIcon(), return texture, L, R, T, B.
- Fixed Total code and Percent code not exporting within the custom script.
- Fixed weird segment bug when swapping segments
- Added healing done to Coach feature (in testing).
- Ignore Forgeborne Reveries healing done (Necrolords ability).
- Arena enemy deaths now are shown in the Deaths display.
- Guild statistics data has been wiped, this system had a major improvement overall.
- Fixed 'Clear Overall Data' on Logout which wasn't clearing.
- Backend fixes.
- If you get issues with nicknames, disable any weakaura which modifies this feature.
- Advanced Death Logs plugin got some fixes and should work properly.
- Added the word 'Overall' at the end of the title bar text when the segment is overall.
- Added covenant and durability into the Raid Check plugin.
- Added API Window:SetTitleBarText(text) and Window:GetTitleBarText().
- Fixed some issues where Details! printed 'combat start time not found'.
- Fixed damage per Phase.
- Fixed some issues with the coach fearure.
- Fixed resizing window with no background error.
- Fixed 'Always Show player' on ascending sort direction.
- Added more foods into the Ready Check plugin.
- If you get issues with nicknames, disable any weakaura which modifies this feature.
- Advanced Death Logs plugin got some fixes and should work properly.
- Added the word 'Overall' at the end of the title bar text when the segment is overall.
- Added covenant and durability into the Raid Check plugin.
- Added API Window:SetTitleBarText(text) and Window:GetTitleBarText().
- Fixed some issues where Details! printed 'combat start time not found'.
- Fixed damage per Phase.
- Fixed some issues with the coach fearure.
- Fixed resizing window with no background error.
- Fixed 'Always Show player' on ascending sort direction.
- Added more foods into the Ready Check plugin.